Omniscia 0xPhase Audit

StorageUpgradeableProxy Manual Review Findings

StorageUpgradeableProxy Manual Review Findings

SUP-01M: Incorrect Implementation of Initialization

Logical FaultStorageUpgradeableProxy.sol:L43-L45


The StorageUpgradeableProxy::constructor contains an invalid initialization methodology using delegatecall to self, resulting a "successful" call that does not initialize the contract.


The flaw arises from the fact that when the constructor of the contract is being executed its code has not yet been stored on the blockchain. As such, a self-call of any kind (delegatecall / call / staticcall) will be performed to an address with no code thus succeeding while not executing any statement.


29/// @dev Initializes the upgradeable proxy with an initial implementation specified by `_target`.
30/// @param _owner Address of proxy owner
31/// @param _storage Address of the storage contract
32/// @param _slot Slot of the implementation
33/// @param _initialCall Optional initial calldata
35 address _owner,
36 address _storage,
37 bytes32 _slot,
38 bytes memory _initialCall
39) {
40 _setImplementation(_storage, _slot);
41 _initializeOwnership(_owner);
43 if (_initialCall.length > 0) {
44 CallLib.delegateCallFunc(address(this), _initialCall);
45 }


We advise the code to perform a delegatecall instruction directly to the _target as otherwise the contract will not be initialized during deployment.

Alleviation (3dd3d7bf0c2693b2f9c23bacedfa420393f7ea84):

The contract now properly performs a delegatecall instruction to the intended target of the storage which is queried safely via the StorageUpgradeableProxy::implementation function.