Omniscia 0xPhase Audit

SlotLib Manual Review Findings

SlotLib Manual Review Findings

SLB-01M: Improper Checked Arithmetic

Mathematical OperationsSlotLib.sol:L9


The referenced statement will perform a subtraction of 1 to the provided id which is expected to be the evaluation of a hash. The reason for this is to prevent hash pre-image attacks whereby the input of the resulting hash is known, however, the code will fail to behave as expected when the provided id is 0.


While the code does misbehave for an id of 0 causing the code to fail, the possibility of a hash resulting in 0 is miniscule. As such, we consider this exhibit to be of "informational" severity.


5/// @notice Returns the slot associated with an id
6/// @param id The bytes32 id
7/// @return The storage slot
8function slot(bytes32 id) internal pure returns (bytes32) {
9 return bytes32(uint256(id) - 1);


We advise the code to perform the subtraction using an unchecked code block as the pre-image protection measure will be valid through underflows occurring at 0 as its purpose is to simply alter the resulting slot offset rather than perform safe arithmetic operations.

Alleviation (3dd3d7bf0c2693b2f9c23bacedfa420393f7ea84):

The slot calculation is now properly performed in an unchecked code block, ensuring that the id correctly wraps around the numeric range of a uint256 value.