Omniscia Bluejay Finance Audit
BluejayToken Manual Review Findings
BluejayToken Manual Review Findings
BTN-01M: Fluid Token Minting System
Type | Severity | Location |
Centralization Concern | BluejayToken.sol:L32-L34 |
The BluyjayToken
contains an access control system that permits the owner to arbitrarily set minters and mint at will.
22function initialize() public initializer {23 __ERC20_init("Bluejay", "BLU");24 __ERC20Burnable_init();25 __AccessControl_init();26 __ERC20Permit_init("Bluejay");27 __UUPSUpgradeable_init();28
29 _setupRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, msg.sender);30}31
32function mint(address to, uint256 amount) public onlyRole(MINTER_ROLE) {33 _mint(to, amount);34}
Given that the token is meant to be minted by system components, we advise a function to be coded that assigns the corresponding minting and upgrader roles to pre-determinate parties without the ability to arbitrarily set them and thus significantly reducing the centralization of the project.
The Bluejay Finance team stated that they wish to retain a degree of flexibility with regards to the token's minting capabilities as they may branch out to multi-chain deployments in the future. As a result, we consider this exhibit sufficiently addressed based on the principle that the Bluejay Finance team will act responsibly with the contract's role management system.