Omniscia Bluejay Finance Audit

Treasury Manual Review Findings

Treasury Manual Review Findings

TRE-01M: Inherent Race Condition of Limit Decrease


The decreaseMintLimit & decreaseWithdrawalLimit functions will fail if the mint limit is reduced by more than the existing mintedAmount / withdrawnAmount. Based on this, a malicious minter / spender can cause all decrease operations to fail by minting / withdrawing a sufficient amount while it is pending.


76function decreaseMintLimit(address minter, uint256 amount)
77 public
78 override
79 onlyRole(MANAGER_ROLE)
81 mintLimit[minter] -= amount;
82 require(
83 mintLimit[minter] >= mintedAmount[minter],
84 "Limit lower than minted"
85 );
86 emit MintLimitUpdate(minter, mintLimit[minter]);


We advise the code to instead evaluate whether the subtraction will cause the require condition to fail and if so, the mintLimit[minter] / withdrawalLimit[asset][spender] to be set to exactly the mintedAmount[minter] / withdrawnAmount[asset][spender].


Both limit adjustments have been adjusted to gracefully handle "underflows" by assigning the total mintedAmount / withdrawnAmount in case the reduction of the limit falls below each respective value. As a result, we consider this exhibit fully dealt with.