Omniscia Bonq Audit

linked-address-list Code Style Findings

linked-address-list Code Style Findings

LIN-01C: Generic Typographic Mistakes


The referenced lines contain typographical mistakes or generic documentational errors (i.e. copy-paste) that should be corrected.


29"79d3d ref must exist or be 0x0"


We advise them to be corrected enhancing the legibility of the codebase.


The Bonq Protocol team has partially fixed the issue by correcting the revert string while the documentation error still exists.

LIN-02C: Inconsistent Logical Checks


The linked check performed is based on an indirect assumption by the system instead of directly evaluating that the _element is equal to the _list._first data entry, similarly to the last element evaluation.


90} else if (_element == _list._last) {
91 // simplified process for removing the last element
92 _list._last = _list._values[_element].prev;
93 _list._values[_list._last].next = _list._last;
94} else if (_element == _list._values[_element].prev) {
95 // simplified process for removing the first element
96 address next = _list._values[_element].next;
97 _list._values[next].prev = next;
98 _list._first = next;
99} else {


We advise the code to be updated to use the same logical checks across its structure and the comparison to be performed with the list's _first data entry.


The Bonq Protocol team has corrected the logical checks.

LIN-03C: Inefficient Utilization of Data Entries


The _list._last data entry is read three times redundantly instead of being stored to a local variable similarly to the removal process of the first element.


90} else if (_element == _list._last) {
91 // simplified process for removing the last element
92 _list._last = _list._values[_element].prev;
93 _list._values[_list._last].next = _list._last;
94} else if (_element == _list._values[_element].prev) {
95 // simplified process for removing the first element
96 address next = _list._values[_element].next;
97 _list._values[next].prev = next;
98 _list._first = next;
99} else {


We advise the codebase to be optimized as such by caching the result of _list._values[_element].prev to a local variable and consequently utilizing it for the assignments.


The Bonq Protocol team has fixed the issue by optimizing the statements.

LIN-04C: Inefficient mapping Lookups


The linked statements perform key-based lookup operations on mapping declarations from storage multiple times for the same key redundantly.


31// the lement must not exist in order to be added
32if (_list._values[_element].prev == address(0x0)) {
33 // the list is empty
34 if (_list._last == address(0x0)) {
35 // console.log("the list is empty, adding", _element, "as only element");
36 // if it is the first element in the list, it refers to itself to indicate this
37 _list._values[_element].prev = _element;
38 _list._values[_element].next = _element;
39 // the new element is now officially the first
40 _list._first = _element;
41 // the new element is now officially the last
42 _list._last = _element;
43 } else {
44 if (_before && (_reference == address(0x0) || _reference == _list._first)) {
45 // console.log("the list has %s elements. adding %s as first element", _list._size, _element);
46 // the element should be added as the first element
47 address first = _list._first;
48 _list._values[first].prev = _element;
49 _list._values[_element].prev = _element;
50 _list._values[_element].next = first;
51 _list._first = _element;
52 } else if (!_before && (_reference == address(0x0) || _reference == _list._last)) {
53 // console.log("the list has %s elements. adding %s as last element", _list._size, _element);
54 // the element should be added as the last element
55 address last = _list._last;
56 _list._values[last].next = _element;
57 _list._values[_element].prev = last;
58 _list._values[_element].next = _element;
59 _list._last = _element;
60 } else {
61 // the element should be inserted in between two elements
62 EntryLink memory ref = _list._values[_reference];
63 if (_before) {
64 _list._values[_element].prev = ref.prev;
65 _list._values[_element].next = _reference;
66 _list._values[_reference].prev = _element;
67 _list._values[ref.prev].next = _element;
68 } else {
69 _list._values[_element].prev = _reference;
70 _list._values[_element].next =;
71 _list._values[_reference].next = _element;
72 _list._values[].prev = _element;
73 }
74 // console.log("the list has '%s' elements. inserting '%s' ", _list._size, _element);
75 }
76 }
77 // console.log("between %s and %s", _list._values[_element].prev, _list._values[_element].next);
78 _list._size = _list._size + 1;
79 return true;


As the lookups internally perform an expensive keccak256 operation, we advise the lookups to be cached wherever possible to a single local declaration that either holds the value of the mapping in case of primitive types or holds a storage pointer to the struct contained.


The Bonq Protocol team has fixed the issue by storing a storage pointer to the struct.