Omniscia Bonq Audit

arbitrage-pool Manual Review Findings

arbitrage-pool Manual Review Findings

ARB-01M: Inexplicable Capability of Re-Invocation


The router of the system can be arbitrarily set by its owner.


128/// @dev sets the address of the Router to enable arbitrage
129/// @param _router address of the contract
130function setRouter(address _router) public onlyOwner {
131 router = IRouter(_router);


We advise this trait of the system to be re-evaluated and potentially omitted as it serves no real use-case purpose as router addresses of DEXes do not change.


The Bonq Protocol team has removed the setRouter function.

ARB-02M: Inexistent Re-Entrancy Protection


It is possible to sabotage the contract by artificially inflating the depositsAndRewards value via a re-entrancy attack on a malicious token added to the trading system of the router.


It is currently possible to make a significant portion of funds in the contract unredeemable by exploiting a re-entrancy attack in the router's trade sequence to re-invoke the arbitrage function and measure the same delta in assets multiple times.


89/// @dev to do arbitrage
90/// @param _collateralToken collateral token address
91/// @param _amountIn start amount
92/// @param _path calldata[]
93/// @param _deadline deadline time
94function arbitrage(
95 address _collateralToken,
96 uint256 _amountIn,
97 address[] calldata _path,
98 uint256 _deadline
99) public {
100 require(_path[0] == _collateralToken, "92852 must start with collateralToken");
101 require(_path[_path.length - 1] == _collateralToken, "92852 must end with _collateralToken");
102 // if the deadline was not set it is set to NOW - as the swap will happen in the same block it will be soon enough
103 _deadline = _deadline > 0 ? _deadline : block.timestamp;
104 IERC20 collateralToken = IERC20(_collateralToken);
105 uint256 startBalance = collateralToken.balanceOf(address(this));
106 // the swap must yield at least 1 coin (in ETH parlance: 1 Wei) more than what was put in and the TX has 10 minutes to execute
107 router.swapExactTokensForTokens(_amountIn, _amountIn + 1, _path, address(this), _deadline);
108 uint256 amountOut = collateralToken.balanceOf(address(this)) - startBalance;
109 depositsAndRewards[_collateralToken] += amountOut;
111 emit Arbitrage(_collateralToken, _path, _amountIn, amountOut);


We advise a nonReentrant modifier to be introduced throughout the contract to disallow this kind of attack as otherwise the balance measurements utilized are unsafe.


The Bonq Protocol team has added the nonReentrant modifier to the arbitrage function.

ARB-03M: Inexistent Validation of Existing AP Token Entry


The addToken function does not check whether a particular token has already been added thereby permitting tokens deposited to be completely at risk.


It is currently possible to siphon all deposited funds by overwriting the AP token of a collateral asset, making a miniscule deposit and redeeming with the old depositsAndRewards value in a single transaction.


114/// @dev to add new supported collateral by deploying APtoken for it
115/// @param _collateralToken collateral to be added
116function addToken(address _collateralToken) public {
117 IERC20Metadata collateralToken = IERC20Metadata(_collateralToken);
118 string memory apTokenName = string(abi.encodePacked("APToken for ",;
119 string memory apTokenSymbol = string(abi.encodePacked("AP", collateralToken.symbol()));
120 APToken newAPtoken = new APToken(apTokenName, apTokenSymbol, _collateralToken);
121 address newAPtokenAddress = address(newAPtoken);
122 collateralToAPToken[_collateralToken] = IMintableToken(newAPtokenAddress);
123 collateralToken.approve(address(router), MAX_INT);
125 emit APtokenDeployed(_collateralToken, newAPtokenAddress);


We advise the system to properly evaluate whether the collateralToAPToken entry is non-zero as in such a case the function should fatally fail.


The Bonq Protocol team has introduced sufficient checks validating whether the collateralToAPToken entry has already been set.