Omniscia Bonq Audit

price-feed Code Style Findings

price-feed Code Style Findings

PRI-01C: Generic Typographic Mistake

Code Styleprice-feed.sol:L89


The referenced line contains a typographical mistake or generic documentational error (i.e. copy-paste) that should be corrected.


89// filling price points with hipotetical values


We advise this to be done so to enhance the legibility of the codebase.


The Bonq Protocol team has stated that they will not proceed with the price feed implementations that they currently have in place after the findings we have identified within the report. The price feeds they will instead utilize will be Chainlink and as such, we consider these exhibits nullified.

PRI-02C: Inefficient Loop Limit Evaluation


The linked for loop evaluates its limit inefficiently on each iteration.


93for (uint256 i = 1; i < snapshots.length; i++) {


We advise the statements within the for loop limit to be relocated outside to a local variable declaration that is consequently utilized for the evaluation to significantly reduce the codebase's gas cost. We should note the same optimization is applicable for storage reads present in such limits as they are newly read on each iteration (i.e. length members of arrays in storage).


The Bonq Protocol team has stated that they will not proceed with the price feed implementations that they currently have in place after the findings we have identified within the report. The price feeds they will instead utilize will be Chainlink and as such, we consider these exhibits nullified.

PRI-03C: Inefficient Ternary Operators


The linked ternary operators are redundant as a modulo (%) mechanism can be utilized instead.


146uint256 startSnapshotIndex = shift + 1 == PRICE_AVERAGE_PERIOD ? 0 : shift + 1;


We advise the addition result to be normalized via a modulo operation with the value of PRICE_AVERAGE_PERIOD thus achieving the same logical result.


The Bonq Protocol team has stated that they will not proceed with the price feed implementations that they currently have in place after the findings we have identified within the report. The price feeds they will instead utilize will be Chainlink and as such, we consider these exhibits nullified.