Omniscia Bonq Audit

fixed-supply-token Manual Review Findings

fixed-supply-token Manual Review Findings

FIX-01M: Potential Centralization Concern


The FixSupplyToken achieves its purpose of a fixed supply by minting the totalSupply to the creator of the contract, thereby completely centralizing the circulating supply of the token.


9@dev An implementation of the ERC20 contract which has a fixed TotalSupply at creation time
11contract FixSupplyToken is ERC20, Ownable {
12 // solhint-disable-next-line func-visibility
13 constructor(
14 string memory name,
15 string memory symbol,
16 uint256 totalSupply
17 ) ERC20(name, symbol) {
18 _mint(msg.sender, totalSupply);
19 }


We advise this trait of the system to be revised and a different solution for a fixed supply to be utilized instead.


The Bonq Protocol team has stated that they wish to retain the current centralization structure and that they will employ a single multi-signature wallet acting as the owner of the overall Bonq system with a plan towards decentralization via the usage of the Tribute DAO ecosystem to create proper DAO in control of this role. As a result, we consider this exhibit adequately addressed based on the principle that the Bonq team will move towards decentralization as described.