Omniscia Myso Finance Audit

ChainlinkBasicWithWbtc Code Style Findings

ChainlinkBasicWithWbtc Code Style Findings

CBW-01C: Inexplicable Price Methodology

Gas OptimizationChainlinkBasicWithWbtc.sol:L37-L39


The ChainlinkBasicWithWbtc::getPriceOfToken function contains special logic to assess the price of the wBTC asset by converting it to its BTC equivalent and then assessing the BTC equivalent's price in USD.


33function getPriceOfToken(
34 address token
35) internal view override(ChainlinkBasic) returns (uint256 tokenPriceRaw) {
36 if (token == BASE_CURRENCY) {
37 uint256 answer1 = checkAndReturnLatestRoundData(WBTC_BTC_ORACLE);
38 uint256 answer2 = checkAndReturnLatestRoundData(BTC_USD_ORACLE);
39 tokenPriceRaw = (answer1 * answer2) / BASE_CURRENCY_UNIT;
40 } else {
41 address oracleAddr = oracleAddrs[token];
42 if (oracleAddr == address(0)) {
43 revert Errors.NoOracle();
44 }
45 tokenPriceRaw = checkAndReturnLatestRoundData(oracleAddr);
46 }


We advise the wBTC / USD Chainlink pair to be utilized instead, rendering the ChainlinkBasicWithWbtc implementation redundant.

Alleviation (c740f7c6b5ebd365618fd2d7ea77370599e1ca11):

After discussions with the Myso Finance team, we have concluded that the blockchain they intend to deploy to does not support the specified oracle. As such, this exhibit is incorrect and thus inapplicable to the context of Myso Finance.