Omniscia Myso Finance Audit

CurveLPStakingCompartment Code Style Findings

CurveLPStakingCompartment Code Style Findings

CLP-01C: Inefficient Withdrawal Flow

Gas OptimizationCurveLPStakingCompartment.sol:L102-L113


The code of CurveLPStakingCompartment::withdrawCollFromGauge will attempt to claim any pending rewards before withdrawing the desired withdrawAmount which is inefficient as the Curve Finance system is meant to claim rewards automatically on withdrawals.


86function withdrawCollFromGauge(
87 uint256 repayAmount,
88 uint256 repayAmountLeft
89) internal returns (address _rewardTokenAddr) {
90 address _liqGaugeAddr = liqGaugeAddr;
92 uint256 currentStakedBal = IERC20(_liqGaugeAddr).balanceOf(
93 address(this)
94 );
96 // withdraw proportion of gauge amount
97 uint256 withdrawAmount = (repayAmount * currentStakedBal) /
98 repayAmountLeft;
100 IStakingHelper(CRV_MINTER_ADDR).mint(_liqGaugeAddr);
102 try IStakingHelper(_liqGaugeAddr).reward_tokens(0) returns (
103 address rewardTokenAddr
104 ) {
105 if (rewardTokenAddr != address(0)) {
106 _rewardTokenAddr = rewardTokenAddr;
107 IStakingHelper(_liqGaugeAddr).claim_rewards();
108 }
110 IStakingHelper(_liqGaugeAddr).withdraw(withdrawAmount);
111 } catch {
112 IStakingHelper(_liqGaugeAddr).withdraw(withdrawAmount);
113 }


We advise the code to be updated, invoking IStakingHelper::withdraw(uint256,bool) with the second argument true to automatically withdraw rewards in liquidity gauges of V3, V4, and V5. In the catch clause, the code should simply invoke IStakingHelper::withdraw(uint256) as there either is no reward token (V1) or rewards are automatically claimed (V2).

In the try code block, the IStakingHelper::reward_tokens function can be safely invoked as the gauge is guaranteed to be of version 3 and up. To ensure the reward token is safely extracted in the catch block, another try-catch construct should be introduced that attempts to invoke IStakingHelper::reward_tokens and set the _rewardTokenAddr, performing no operation in its catch block as that would indicate a version 1 liquidity gauge.

Alleviation (c740f7c6b5ebd365618fd2d7ea77370599e1ca11):

The Myso Finance team optimized their withdrawal flow by utilizing the specification we provided them with in the exhibit and using the IStakingHelper::reward_tokens function as an indicator of a liquidity gauge's version rather than the IStakingHelper::withdraw(uint256, bool) approach.

Given that the withdrawal flow has been optimized to the same extent we recommended, we consider this exhibit adequately addressed.

CLP-02C: Redundant Function Argument

Gas OptimizationCurveLPStakingCompartment.sol:L53


The IStakingHelper::deposit(uint256, address) function call can be simplified to IStakingHelper::deposit(uint256) as all Curve Finance liquidity gauge versions automatically assume that the deposit should be credited to the caller if no address is explicitly specified.


53IStakingHelper(_liqGaugeAddr).deposit(amount, address(this));


We advise the simplified call to be performed optimizing the CurveLPStakingCompartment::stake function's gas cost.

Alleviation (c740f7c6b5ebd365618fd2d7ea77370599e1ca11):

The redundant address(this) argument has been safely omitted from the IStakingHelper::deposit call as advised.