Omniscia Myso Finance Audit

LoanProposalImpl Manual Review Findings

LoanProposalImpl Manual Review Findings

LPI-01M: Inefficient Collateralization of Loan

Logical FaultLoanProposalImpl.sol:L222-L224


A loan defined in LoanProposalImpl will be collateralized by the full amount of collateral required per loan token unit as well as the collateral required for each conversion of each repayment step.


While not a security issue, this finding highlights a potential capital inefficiency in the system that should be optimized.


220 msg.sender,
221 address(this),
222 _finalCollAmountReservedForDefault +
223 _finalCollAmountReservedForConversions +
224 expectedTransferFee


This behaviour appears to not be well defined as a user would essentially have to supply double what they are expected to pay in a normal repayment scenario. As repayment schedules progress, the cost of a "default" inherently decreases.

As such, the actual collateral required for a loan should be the maximum between the total amount of collateral required for each repayment period as well as the total amount of collateral required for a "default" (which presumably uses an unfavourable ratio in contrast to the normal repayment procedure).

This will ensure maximum collateral efficiency for borrowers while retaining the same level of security for the liquidity pool.

Alleviation (c740f7c6b5ebd365618fd2d7ea77370599e1ca11):

After extensive discussions with the Myso Finance team, we have concluded that this is an intended design of the protocol and is meant to permit maximum flexibility and leave the negotiation of capital-efficient terms entirely up to the borrower-lender agreements.

As such, we consider this exhibit nullified given that the current implementation permits both capital efficient and lender-protective loans to be established.

LPI-02M: Discrepant Loan Subscription Validation

Logical FaultLoanProposalImpl.sol:L106, L138, L165-L168


The LoanProposalImpl::proposeLoanTerms function will validate that the _finalLoanAmount is not greater than the maximum permitted by the terms, however, the LoanProposalImpl::acceptLoanTerms and LoanProposalImpl::finalizeLoanTermsAndTransferColl functions will validate the total subscription rather than the final loan amount.


Presently, it is possible for a loan whose proposition would fail to have been successfully finalized, indicating a discrepancy in the system that should not be present.


98uint256 totalSubscribed = IFundingPool(fundingPool).totalSubscribed(
99 address(this)
101(, , uint256 _finalLoanAmount, , ) = getAbsoluteLoanTerms(
102 newLoanTerms,
103 totalSubscribed,
104 IERC20Metadata(IFundingPool(fundingPool).depositToken()).decimals()
106if (_finalLoanAmount > newLoanTerms.maxLoanAmount) {
107 revert Errors.NewMaxLoanAmountBelowCurrentSubscriptions();


We advise this discrepancy to be addressed by streamlining the maximum / minimum loan amount validations and either applying them to the final loan amount after LoanProposalImpl::getAbsoluteLoanTerms or to the total subscription of the loan, either of which we consider an adequate resolution to this exhibit.

Alleviation (c740f7c6b5ebd365618fd2d7ea77370599e1ca11):

The minLoanAmount and maxLoanAmount configurational parameters of a loan were replaced by minSubscriptionAmount and maxSubscriptionAmount, indicating that the totalSubscriptions of the loan proposal will be utilized for these calculations and thus eliminating the exhibit's highlighted discrepancy.

LPI-03M: Incorrect Overlap of States

Logical FaultLoanProposalImpl.sol:L313-L315, L353


In the current contract implementation it is possible to exercise a conversion and repay a loan schedule in the same timestamp as there is an overlap of states in the equality case of the referenced conditionals.


While this exhibit does not lead to any exploitable scenario, it pinpoints a discrepancy in the system that should be addressed.


292function exerciseConversion() external {
293 address fundingPool = staticData.fundingPool;
294 uint256 lenderContribution = IFundingPool(fundingPool)
295 .subscribedBalanceOf(address(this), msg.sender);
296 if (lenderContribution == 0) {
297 revert Errors.InvalidSender();
298 }
299 if (
300 dynamicData.status != DataTypesPeerToPool.LoanStatus.LOAN_DEPLOYED
301 ) {
302 revert Errors.InvalidActionForCurrentStatus();
303 }
304 uint256 repaymentIdx = dynamicData.currentRepaymentIdx;
305 checkCurrRepaymentIdx(repaymentIdx);
306 if (lenderExercisedConversion[msg.sender][repaymentIdx]) {
307 revert Errors.AlreadyConverted();
308 }
309 // must be after when the period of this loan is due, but before borrower can repay
310 if (
311 block.timestamp <
312 _loanTerms.repaymentSchedule[repaymentIdx].dueTimestamp ||
313 block.timestamp >
314 _loanTerms.repaymentSchedule[repaymentIdx].dueTimestamp +
315 staticData.conversionGracePeriod
316 ) {
317 revert Errors.OutsideConversionTimeWindow();
318 }
319 uint256 conversionAmount = (_loanTerms
320 .repaymentSchedule[repaymentIdx]
321 .collTokenDueIfConverted * lenderContribution) /
322 IFundingPool(fundingPool).totalSubscribed(address(this));
323 collTokenConverted[repaymentIdx] += conversionAmount;
324 totalConvertedSubscriptionsPerIdx[repaymentIdx] += lenderContribution;
325 lenderExercisedConversion[msg.sender][repaymentIdx] = true;
326 IERC20Metadata(staticData.collToken).safeTransfer(
327 msg.sender,
328 conversionAmount
329 );
331 emit ConversionExercised(msg.sender, repaymentIdx, conversionAmount);
334function repay(uint256 expectedTransferFee) external {
335 if (msg.sender != _loanTerms.borrower) {
336 revert Errors.InvalidSender();
337 }
338 if (
339 dynamicData.status != DataTypesPeerToPool.LoanStatus.LOAN_DEPLOYED
340 ) {
341 revert Errors.InvalidActionForCurrentStatus();
342 }
343 uint256 repaymentIdx = dynamicData.currentRepaymentIdx++;
344 checkCurrRepaymentIdx(repaymentIdx);
345 // must be after when the period of this loan when lenders can convert,
346 // but before default period for this period
347 uint256 currConversionCutoffTime = _loanTerms
348 .repaymentSchedule[repaymentIdx]
349 .dueTimestamp + staticData.conversionGracePeriod;
350 uint256 currRepaymentCutoffTime = currConversionCutoffTime +
351 staticData.repaymentGracePeriod;
352 if (
353 (block.timestamp < currConversionCutoffTime) ||
354 (block.timestamp > currRepaymentCutoffTime)
355 ) {
356 revert Errors.OutsideRepaymentTimeWindow();
357 }


We advise either of the two conditionals to become inclusive, ensuring a consistent loan state across time.

Alleviation (c740f7c6b5ebd365618fd2d7ea77370599e1ca11):

The discrepancy has been alleviated by converting the conditional of LoanProposalImpl::exerciseConversion to be inclusive (i.e. >=) and thus covering the equality case.

LPI-04M: Potentially Insecure Acceptance of Loan Terms

Logical FaultLoanProposalImpl.sol:L71-L114, L116


A borrower will accept a loan proposal by issuing a LoanProposalImpl::acceptLoanTerms transaction without actually passing in an argument that validates they intended to accept the current terms of the loan. As such, it is possible for an on-chain race condition to manifest whereby an arranger will detect a LoanProposalImpl::acceptLoanTerms invocation and issue new, potentially unfavourable terms right before they are accepted.


While a protection mechanism is in place in the form of a cooldown period of 1 hours, this period is insufficient in the case of multi-signature wallets w/ potential timelocks which are expected to be the majority of cases interacting with a loan proposal.


116function acceptLoanTerms() external {


We advise a hash-based mechanism to be set in place whereby LoanProposalImpl::acceptLoanTerms accepts a new bytes32 argument representing the hash of the current _loanTerms, permitting the borrower to validate the exact terms they are willing to accept.

Alleviation (c740f7c6b5ebd365618fd2d7ea77370599e1ca11):

The Myso Finance team opted to instead utilize the last loan term update time that already exists in the contract as a control variable, introducing it as an argument to the LoanProposalImpl::acceptLoanTerms function and mandating that it is equal to the contract's stored timestamp.

As the loan terms being accepted to are validated in the LoanProposalImpl::acceptLoanTerms function, we consider this exhibit fully alleviated.

LPI-05M: Incorrect Rollback Procedure

Logical FaultLoanProposalImpl.sol:L244-L249


The LoanProposalImpl::rollback function is meant to permit the pool to revert its decision, refunding the borrower's collateral and permitting the pool to withdraw their funds.

The function is incorrectly available solely in a BORROWER_ACCEPTED state rather than a READY_TO_EXECUTE state despite its code refunding existing collateral which will only happen in a READY_TO_EXECUTE state.


As the implementation's conditionals evaluate a LOAN_EXECUTION_GRACE_PERIOD, it is evident that the function is expected to be invoke-able in a READY_TO_EXECUTE state which is not the case. As such, we consider this exhibit to be of "medium" severity.


242function rollback() external {
243 // cannot be called anymore once lockInFinalAmountsAndProvideCollateral() called
244 if (
245 dynamicData.status !=
246 DataTypesPeerToPool.LoanStatus.BORROWER_ACCEPTED
247 ) {
248 revert Errors.InvalidActionForCurrentStatus();
249 }
250 uint256 totalSubscribed = IFundingPool(staticData.fundingPool)
251 .totalSubscribed(address(this));
252 uint256 _lenderInOrOutCutoffTime = lenderInOrOutCutoffTime();
253 if (
254 (msg.sender == _loanTerms.borrower &&
255 block.timestamp < _lenderInOrOutCutoffTime) ||
256 (block.timestamp >= _lenderInOrOutCutoffTime &&
257 totalSubscribed < _loanTerms.minLoanAmount) ||
258 (block.timestamp >=
259 _lenderInOrOutCutoffTime +
261 ) {
262 dynamicData.status = DataTypesPeerToPool.LoanStatus.ROLLBACK;
263 address collToken = staticData.collToken;
264 // transfer any previously provided collToken back to borrower
265 IERC20Metadata(collToken).safeTransfer(
266 _loanTerms.borrower,
267 IERC20Metadata(collToken).balanceOf(address(this))
268 );
269 } else {
270 revert Errors.InvalidRollBackRequest();
271 }
273 emit Rolledback();


We advise the code to permit a rollback in either a BORROWER_ACCEPTED state or a READY_TO_EXECUTE state, ensuring that the liquidity pool can adequately revert its decision in a timely manner.

Alleviation (c740f7c6b5ebd365618fd2d7ea77370599e1ca11):

The Myso Finance team has stated that the LoanProposalImpl::rollback function is solely possible during a BORROWER_ACCEPTED state and that the transfer of collateral included within it was meant to accommodate for any accidentally-sent tokens.

After internal discussions, the Myso Finance team has decided to remove the collateral transfer altogether to prevent ambiguities in the function's intended purpose. In any case, we consider this exhibit nullified as the original behaviour of the code was intended by the Myso Finance team.

LPI-06M: Insufficient Validation of Repayment Schedule

Input SanitizationLoanProposalImpl.sol:L587-L619


The LoanProposalImpl::repaymentScheduleCheck function will insufficiently sanitize the repayment schedule as the sum of the loanTokenDue values needs to be exactly equal to Constants.BASE.


An incorrect repayment schedule can cause a repayment to be performed of an amount that exceeds the actual loan given that the contract retains a loan's repayment status as an index of the repayment period rather than as a sum of the total repaid amount.


587function repaymentScheduleCheck(
588 DataTypesPeerToPool.Repayment[] calldata repaymentSchedule
589) internal view {
590 if (repaymentSchedule.length == 0) {
591 revert Errors.EmptyRepaymentSchedule();
592 }
593 if (
594 repaymentSchedule[0].dueTimestamp <
595 block.timestamp + Constants.MIN_TIME_UNTIL_FIRST_DUE_DATE
596 ) {
597 revert Errors.FirstDueDateTooClose();
598 }
599 uint256 prevDueDate;
600 uint256 currDueDate;
601 for (uint i = 0; i < repaymentSchedule.length; ) {
602 if (
603 repaymentSchedule[i].loanTokenDue == 0 ||
604 repaymentSchedule[i].collTokenDueIfConverted == 0
605 ) {
606 revert Errors.RepaymentOrConversionAmountIsZero();
607 }
608 currDueDate = repaymentSchedule[i].dueTimestamp;
609 if (
610 currDueDate < prevDueDate + Constants.MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_DUE_DATES
611 ) {
612 revert Errors.InvalidDueDates();
613 }
614 prevDueDate = currDueDate;
615 unchecked {
616 i++;
617 }
618 }


We advise the loop to properly sum the loanTokenDue members of each repayment schedule and to validate that the sum is equal to Constants.BASE as the end using an if-revert pattern akin to other validations.

Alleviation (c740f7c6b5ebd365618fd2d7ea77370599e1ca11):

The Myso Finance team evaluated this exhibit and has stated that it is intended design for the sum of loanTokenDue values to be arbitrary as different loan arrangements can account for different use cases (i.e. interest on top of the loan or discount due to the prospect of conversions ATM / ITM).

As such, we consider this exhibit nullified given that it represents desirable behaviour by the Myso Finance team.