Omniscia Myso Finance Audit

LenderVaultImpl Code Style Findings

LenderVaultImpl Code Style Findings

LVI-01C: Code Repetition

Gas OptimizationLenderVaultImpl.sol:L59-L62


The referenced statements are meant to replicate the Ownable::senderCheckOwner implementation.


59// only owner can call this function
60if (msg.sender != _owner) {
61 revert Errors.InvalidSender();


We advise the Ownable::senderCheckOwner function to be invoked in the statements' place, ensuring consistency throughout the codebase.

Alleviation (c740f7c6b5ebd365618fd2d7ea77370599e1ca11):

The referenced code block was properly replaced by the now-renamed Ownable::_senderCheckOwner function, optimizing the code's maintainability.

LVI-02C: Implicit Arithmetic Grouping

Code StyleLenderVaultImpl.sol:L84-L85


The referenced calculations are meant to be performed before the subtraction, however, they are not wrapped in parenthesis (()) to explicitly mark this behaviour.


82tmp =
83 _loan.initCollAmount -
84 (_loan.initCollAmount * _loan.amountRepaidSoFar) /
85 _loan.initRepayAmount;


We advise them to be wrapped in parenthesis as currently Solidity's arithmetic order of precedence takes place which may not be immediately apparent to the code's readers.

Alleviation (c740f7c6b5ebd365618fd2d7ea77370599e1ca11):

The arithmetic operation was revised to properly illustrate its expected order of precedence and to utilize a single fraction, optimizing its legibility.

LVI-03C: Inefficient Removal of Signer

Gas OptimizationLenderVaultImpl.sol:L281-L282


The LenderVaultImpl::removeSigner function will inefficiently remove a signer if they exist at the end of the signers array.


271function removeSigner(address signer, uint256 signerIdx) external {
272 senderCheckOwner();
273 uint256 signersLen = signers.length;
274 if (signerIdx >= signersLen) {
275 revert Errors.InvalidArrayIndex();
276 }
278 if (!isSigner[signer] || signer != signers[signerIdx]) {
279 revert Errors.InvalidSignerRemoveInfo();
280 }
281 address signerMovedFromEnd = signers[signersLen - 1];
282 signers[signerIdx] = signerMovedFromEnd;
283 signers.pop();
284 isSigner[signer] = false;
285 emit RemovedSigner(signer, signerIdx, signerMovedFromEnd);


We advise the code to perform the signer replacement with the last entry solely when signersLen - 1 != signerIdx as in such a case a simple Array::pop operation is sufficient.

Alleviation (c740f7c6b5):

The code was revised to replace the signerIdx member solely when necessary, however, the RemovedSigner event that is emitted will mistakenly specify that the signer moved from the end is the signer that is being removed in the signerIdx == signersLen - 1 scenario. We advise the signerMovedFromEnd to be 0 in such a case, further optimizing the code to perform one less SLOAD operation when a replacement is not necessary.

Alleviation (37cf23668b):

The code was further optimized as advised, relocating the signerMovedFromEnd assignment (now aptly renamed to signerWithSwappedPosition) within the if block thus rendering this exhibit's optimization applied in full.

LVI-04C: Inefficient mapping Lookups

Gas OptimizationLenderVaultImpl.sol:L94, L103


The linked statements perform key-based lookup operations on mapping declarations from storage multiple times for the same key redundantly.


94lockedAmounts[collToken] -= totalUnlockableColl;
95// if collToken is not used by vault as loan token, then
96// vault owner may have wanted to leave unlocked coll in vault
97if (autoWithdraw) {
98 uint256 currentCollTokenBalance = IERC20Metadata(collToken)
99 .balanceOf(address(this));
101 IERC20Metadata(collToken).safeTransfer(
102 _owner,
103 currentCollTokenBalance - lockedAmounts[collToken]
104 );


As the lookups internally perform an expensive keccak256 operation, we advise the lookups to be cached wherever possible to a single local declaration that either holds the value of the mapping in case of primitive types or holds a storage pointer to the struct contained.

Alleviation (c740f7c6b5ebd365618fd2d7ea77370599e1ca11):

The referenced optimization is no longer applicable as the autoWithdraw feature has been removed from the LenderVaultImpl::unlockCollateral function, rendering this exhibit nullified.

LVI-05C: Redundant Temporary Variable

Gas OptimizationLenderVaultImpl.sol:L82-L85


The tmp variable declared within the for loop of LenderVaultImpl::unlockCollateral is redundant as it is utilized solely in a single calculation which is then added to the outer-level totalUnlockableColl variable.


67uint256 totalUnlockableColl;
68for (uint256 i = 0; i < _loanIds.length; ) {
69 uint256 tmp = 0;
70 DataTypesPeerToPeer.Loan storage _loan = _loans[_loanIds[i]];
72 if (_loan.collToken != collToken) {
73 revert Errors.InconsistentUnlockTokenAddresses();
74 }
75 if (_loan.collUnlocked || block.timestamp < _loan.expiry) {
76 revert Errors.InvalidCollUnlock();
77 }
78 if (_loan.collTokenCompartmentAddr != address(0)) {
79 IBaseCompartment(_loan.collTokenCompartmentAddr)
80 .unlockCollToVault(_loan.collToken);
81 } else {
82 tmp =
83 _loan.initCollAmount -
84 (_loan.initCollAmount * _loan.amountRepaidSoFar) /
85 _loan.initRepayAmount;
86 totalUnlockableColl += tmp;
87 }
88 _loan.collUnlocked = true;
89 unchecked {
90 i++;
91 }


We advise the variable to be omitted, optimizing the loop's execution cost.

Alleviation (c740f7c6b5ebd365618fd2d7ea77370599e1ca11):

The redundant tmp variable has been safely omitted from the codebase as advised.

LVI-06C: Restrictive Automated Withdrawal Feature

Code StyleLenderVaultImpl.sol:L97


The LenderVaultImpl::unlockCollateral function will permit the collateral of loans to be acquired if they have expired and supports an autoWithdraw feature meant to withdraw the collateral that was withdrawn. The issue with the current design is that it either withdraws all available collateral (regardless of whether it was unlocked in the loan claim process) or no collateral at all.

In practice, lenders would want to simply withdraw the collateral they acquired from the loans that expired and not the collateral they had already deposited to the contract up for consumption by new loans.


54function unlockCollateral(
55 address collToken,
56 uint256[] calldata _loanIds,
57 bool autoWithdraw
58) external {
59 // only owner can call this function
60 if (msg.sender != _owner) {
61 revert Errors.InvalidSender();
62 }
63 // if empty array is passed, revert
64 if (_loanIds.length == 0) {
65 revert Errors.InvalidArrayLength();
66 }
67 uint256 totalUnlockableColl;
68 for (uint256 i = 0; i < _loanIds.length; ) {
69 uint256 tmp = 0;
70 DataTypesPeerToPeer.Loan storage _loan = _loans[_loanIds[i]];
72 if (_loan.collToken != collToken) {
73 revert Errors.InconsistentUnlockTokenAddresses();
74 }
75 if (_loan.collUnlocked || block.timestamp < _loan.expiry) {
76 revert Errors.InvalidCollUnlock();
77 }
78 if (_loan.collTokenCompartmentAddr != address(0)) {
79 IBaseCompartment(_loan.collTokenCompartmentAddr)
80 .unlockCollToVault(_loan.collToken);
81 } else {
82 tmp =
83 _loan.initCollAmount -
84 (_loan.initCollAmount * _loan.amountRepaidSoFar) /
85 _loan.initRepayAmount;
86 totalUnlockableColl += tmp;
87 }
88 _loan.collUnlocked = true;
89 unchecked {
90 i++;
91 }
92 }
94 lockedAmounts[collToken] -= totalUnlockableColl;
95 // if collToken is not used by vault as loan token, then
96 // vault owner may have wanted to leave unlocked coll in vault
97 if (autoWithdraw) {
98 uint256 currentCollTokenBalance = IERC20Metadata(collToken)
99 .balanceOf(address(this));
101 IERC20Metadata(collToken).safeTransfer(
102 _owner,
103 currentCollTokenBalance - lockedAmounts[collToken]
104 );
105 }
107 emit CollateralUnlocked(_owner, collToken, _loanIds, autoWithdraw);


We advise the functionality of LenderVaultImpl::unlockCollateral to be increased, yielding the totalUnlockableColl value to the _owner in case autoWithdraw was set to true.

To ensure compatibility with compartments, the IBaseCompartment::unlockCollToVault function would need to be updated and accept a recipient input argument. If autoWithdraw is false, the recipient should be the LenderVaultImpl itself. If it is set to true, the recipient should be set to _owner.

These adjustments would permit the autoWithdraw flag to behave as expected and withdraw only the funds that were claimed from the input loans rather than "any" funds that are at rest of the specified collateral type.

Alleviation (c740f7c6b5ebd365618fd2d7ea77370599e1ca11):

The Myso Finance team considered this exhibit and has opted to instead eliminate the autoWithdraw feature from the LenderVaultImpl::unlockCollateral function entirely as the complexity it introduces is not outweighed by the ease-of-use by Myso Finance's users.

As such, we consider this exhibit indirectly alleviated.