Omniscia Nuklai Audit

DistributionManager Manual Review Findings

DistributionManager Manual Review Findings

DMR-01M: Incompatibility of Fee-Based Tokens


The DistributionManager::receivePayment function will greatly misbehave when dealing with tokens that contain a fee-on-transfer mechanism as it will assume to have received the full amount transferred.


The severity of this exhibit will be adjusted depending on whether the Nuklai team intended to support fee-on-transfer tokens in their DistributionManager system.


191function receivePayment(address token, uint256 amount) external payable onlySubscriptionManager nonReentrant {
192 if (_versionedTagWeights.length == 0) revert TAG_WEIGHTS_NOT_INITIALIZED();
193 if (address(token) == address(0)) {
194 if (amount != msg.value) revert MSG_VALUE_MISMATCH(msg.value, amount);
195 } else {
196 IERC20(token).safeTransferFrom(_msgSender(), address(this), amount);
197 }
198 uint256 snapshotId = fragmentNFT.snapshot();
200 // Deployer fee
201 uint256 deployerFee = (amount * dataset.deployerFeePercentage(datasetId)) / 1e18;


We advise the code to either explicitly specify that fee-on-transfer tokens are not supported or to properly support them by tracking the before-and-after balance measurements of the contract, either of which we consider an adequate resolution to this exhibit.

Alleviation (fb50b5c39665f7df086b2de1fdbf93ba2d836bf9):

The documentation of the DistributionManager::receivePayment function was updated to clearly specify that fee-on-transfer tokens are not supported.

We would like to note that the Nuklai team specified the main use-case of the contract being stablecoins; most stablecoins contain the possibility to implement a fee-on-transfer, however, it is very unlikely that this feature will be activated in the near future.

Given that the documentation was updated to correctly illustrate the absence of support for fee-on-transfer tokens, we consider this exhibit sufficiently dealt with.

DMR-02M: Incorrect Initialization Methodology


The DistributionManager::initialize function will incorrectly initialize the distribution manager when no fragment NFT has been deployed yet for a particular datasetId as the DatasetNFT::setManagers function permits the configuration of a distributionManager even if no fragment NFT has yet been deployed.


A misconfiguration of the DistributionManager would be undetected by front-end processes as the DatasetNFT::setManagers function can be invoked at any time, leading to the vulnerability manifesting when the DistributionManager attempts to receive funds via the DistributionManager::receivePayment function.


87function initialize(address dataset_, uint256 datasetId_) external initializer {
88 __ReentrancyGuard_init();
89 dataset = IDatasetNFT(dataset_);
90 datasetId = datasetId_;
91 fragmentNFT = IFragmentNFT(dataset.fragmentNFT(datasetId));


We advise the code to properly ensure that the fragmentNFT entry extracted from the dataset is non-zero, reverting in any other case to prevent deploying a DistributionManager with a misconfigured fragmentNFT.

Alleviation (fb50b5c39665f7df086b2de1fdbf93ba2d836bf9):

The DatasetNFT::setManagers function was instead updated, ensuring that a fragment has been deployed for the relevant id thus guaranteeing that the DatasetNFT::fragmentNFT getter function will yield a non-zero result.

As such, we consider this exhibit alleviated at the DatasetNFT contract.

DMR-03M: Potential Loss of Funds


The DistributionManager::receivePayment function does not prevent native funds from being sent alongside EIP-20 assets, leading to a potential loss of funds that are transmitted in such a call.


It is presently possible to lock native funds in the DistributionManager contract by specifying a non-zero amount of native funds alongside a DistributionManager::receivePayment call with an EIP-20 asset.


193if (address(token) == address(0)) {
194 if (amount != msg.value) revert MSG_VALUE_MISMATCH(msg.value, amount);
195} else {
196 IERC20(token).safeTransferFrom(_msgSender(), address(this), amount);


We advise the code to ensure that the msg.value is 0 in case the token specified is non-zero, ensuring that native funds cannot be accidentally locked in the contract when supplying native funds alongside an EIP-20 DistributionManager::receivePayment function execution.

Alleviation (fb50b5c39665f7df086b2de1fdbf93ba2d836bf9):

The DistributionManager::receivePayment code was properly updated to ensure that the msg.value is non-zero in the else execution flow accepting EIP-20 assets, alleviating this exhibit in full.