Omniscia Nuklai Audit

ERC20SubscriptionManager Manual Review Findings

ERC20SubscriptionManager Manual Review Findings

ERC-01M: Inexistent Prevention of Native Funds


The ERC20SubscriptionManager::_charge function will not prevent native funds from being sent alongside the call the function is executed in, resulting in the GenericSingleDatasetSubscriptionManager::subscribe and GenericSingleDatasetSubscriptionManager::extendSubscription functions locking all native funds that may be accidentally sent when they are invoked.


It is presently possible to lock funds in the ERC20SubscriptionManager by supplying native funds in either the GenericSingleDatasetSubscriptionManager::subscribe or GenericSingleDatasetSubscriptionManager::extendSubscription functions.


91function _charge(address subscriber, uint256 amount) internal override {
92 token.safeTransferFrom(subscriber, address(this), amount);
93 address distributionManager = dataset.distributionManager(datasetId);
94 token.approve(distributionManager, amount);
95 IDistributionManager(distributionManager).receivePayment(address(token), amount);


We advise the code to introduce a require check, ensuring that the msg.value of the call is 0 to prevent native funds from being accidentally locked in the ERC20SubscriptionManager.

Alleviation (fb50b5c39665f7df086b2de1fdbf93ba2d836bf9):

The ERC20SubscriptionManager::_charge function was correctly updated to prevent a non-zero msg.value from being passed in the call it is invoked in, ensuring no funds can be locked as part of the GenericSingleDatasetSubscriptionManager execution flows.