Omniscia rain protocol Audit

ERC20Pull Code Style Findings

ERC20Pull Code Style Findings

ERC-01C: Redundant Evaluation of Multiple Assertions


One of the two linked assert statements is performed redundantly as the function guarantees that the values of sender and token are simultaneously set to non-zero values.


51/// Initialize the sender and token.
52/// @param config_ `ERC20PullConfig` to initialize.
53function initializeERC20Pull(ERC20PullConfig memory config_) internal {
54 // Sender and token MUST be set in the config. MAY point at a known
55 // address that cannot approve the specified token to effectively
56 // disable pull functionality.
57 require(config_.sender != address(0), "ZERO_SENDER");
58 require(config_.token != address(0), "ZERO_TOKEN");
59 // Reinitialization is a bug.
60 assert(sender == address(0));
61 assert(token == address(0));
62 sender = config_.sender;
63 token = config_.token;
64 emit ERC20PullInitialize(msg.sender, config_.sender, config_.token);


We advise one of the two to be omitted in favor of reduced gas costs.


The assert statement is now solely performed on the token member rather than both the token and sender members.