Omniscia rain protocol Audit

TierOps Code Style Findings

TierOps Code Style Findings

TOP-01C: Potential Misuse of Select LTE Instruction


The SELECT_LTE opcode will attempt to invoke the selectLte function of TierwiseCombine, however, if the arguments to it are off by a single digit in the reportsLength_ and the selection mode is set as MODE_MAX (1) it will lead to a zero-value entry being assigned to the reports_ array and thus yielding the maximum tier improperly due to the zero-value based uninitialized stack.


91// Stacks the result of a `selectLte` combinator.
92// All `selectLte` share the same stack and argument handling.
93// In the future these may be combined into a single opcode, taking
94// the `logic_` and `mode_` from the `operand_` high bits.
95else if (opcode_ == SELECT_LTE) {
96 uint256 logic_ = operand_ >> 7;
97 uint256 mode_ = (operand_ >> 5) & 0x3; // & 00000011
98 uint256 reportsLength_ = operand_ & 0x1F; // & 00011111
100 // Need one more than reports length to include block number.
101 state_.stackIndex -= reportsLength_ + 1;
102 baseIndex_ = state_.stackIndex;
103 uint256 cursor_ = baseIndex_;
105 uint256[] memory reports_ = new uint256[](reportsLength_);
106 for (uint256 a_ = 0; a_ < reportsLength_; a_++) {
107 reports_[a_] = state_.stack[cursor_];
108 cursor_++;
109 }
110 uint256 blockNumber_ = state_.stack[cursor_];
112 state_.stack[baseIndex_] = TierwiseCombine.selectLte(
113 reports_,
114 blockNumber_,
115 logic_,
116 mode_
117 );
118 state_.stackIndex++;


We advise callers of the operation to be sufficiently warned of this potential side effect in the documentation of the function.


After deliberation with the Rain Protocol team, we concluded that this particular issue stems from a core mechanic of how the stack operates and can be applicable to other operations as well. Given that it is a developer-oriented logic check, we collectively concluded that adequate developer education and deploy-time protective checks are sufficient to prevent this type of issue from arising in production code of other developers. As a combination of the aforementioned, we consider this exhibit nullified.

TOP-02C: Unoptimized Stack Index Adjustment


The stackIndex is adjusted twice within the applyOp function's execution branches redundantly as the first subtraction can be offset by a single unit.


38if (opcode_ == REPORT) {
39 state_.stackIndex -= 2;
40 baseIndex_ = state_.stackIndex;
41 state_.stack[baseIndex_] = ITier(
42 address(uint160(state_.stack[baseIndex_]))
43 ).report(address(uint160(state_.stack[baseIndex_ + 1])));
44 state_.stackIndex++;


We advise this to be done so to optimize the gas cost of the function.


The Rain Protocol team has stated that they plan to address this in an upcoming pull request. Given that this is a finding planned to be fixed, we consider this exhibit acknowledged.