Omniscia rain protocol Audit

ITier Manual Review Findings

ITier Manual Review Findings

ITR-01M: Report Encoding Discrepancy


The linked documentation line goes against what the TierReport implementation indicates and would cause it to significantly malfunction as it expects 0xFFFFFFFF to be yielded for a tier that has never been held or is unknown.


36/// - If the historical block information is not available the report MAY
37/// return `0x00000000` for all held tiers.


We advise the documentation to be updated so as to not mislead implementors of the tier system. While the MAY RFC 2119 terminology is appreciated, it can still prove misleading given that it leads to the exact opposite effect of the TierReport implementation.


After discussion with the Rain Protocol team, we concluded that the original text was correct albeit slightly ambiguous and as such they proceeded with updating the documentation extensively and explicitly to avoid any similar ambiguities in the future. Given that the original text was correct, we consider this exhibit nullified.