Omniscia rain protocol Audit

ReadWriteTier Static Analysis Findings

ReadWriteTier Static Analysis Findings

RWT-01S: Data Location Optimization


The linked function arguments are set as memory in external functions and function chains.


42/// Errors if the user attempts to return to the ZERO tier.
43/// Updates the report from `report` using default `TierReport` logic.
44/// Calls `_afterSetTier` that inheriting contracts SHOULD
45/// override to enforce status requirements.
46/// Emits `TierChange` event.
47/// @inheritdoc ITier
48function setTier(
49 address account_,
50 uint256 endTier_,
51 bytes memory data_
52) external virtual override {
53 // The user must move to at least tier 1.
54 // The tier 0 status is reserved for users that have never
55 // interacted with the contract.
56 require(endTier_ > 0, "SET_ZERO_TIER");
58 uint256 report_ = report(account_);
60 uint256 startTier_ = TierReport.tierAtBlockFromReport(
61 report_,
62 block.number
63 );
65 reports[account_] = TierReport.updateReportWithTierAtBlock(
66 report_,
67 startTier_,
68 endTier_,
69 block.number
70 );
72 // Emit this event for ITier.
73 emit TierChange(msg.sender, account_, startTier_, endTier_);
75 // Call the `_afterSetTier` hook to allow inheriting contracts
76 // to enforce requirements.
77 // The inheriting contract MUST `require` or otherwise
78 // enforce its needs to rollback a bad status change.
79 _afterSetTier(account_, startTier_, endTier_, data_);
82/// Inheriting contracts SHOULD override this to enforce requirements.
84/// All the internal accounting and state changes are complete at
85/// this point.
86/// Use `require` to enforce additional requirements for tier changes.
88/// @param account_ The account with the new tier.
89/// @param startTier_ The tier the account had before this update.
90/// @param endTier_ The tier the account will have after this update.
91/// @param data_ Additional arbitrary data to inform update requirements.
92function _afterSetTier(
93 address account_,
94 uint256 startTier_,
95 uint256 endTier_,
96 bytes memory data_
97) internal virtual {} // solhint-disable-line no-empty-blocks


We advise them to be set as calldata optimizing their gas cost and enforcing immutability on the input arguments.


The data location was properly set as calldata optimizing the codebase.