Omniscia rain protocol Audit
MathOps Code Style Findings
MathOps Code Style Findings
MOS-01C: Unoptimized Stack Index Adjustment
Type | Severity | Location |
Gas Optimization | MathOps.sol:L39, L130 |
The stackIndex
is adjusted twice within the applyOp
function's execution redundantly as the first subtraction can be offset by a single unit.
29function applyOp(30 bytes memory,31 State memory state_,32 uint256 opcode_,33 uint256 operand_34) internal pure {35 require(opcode_ < OPS_LENGTH, "MAX_OPCODE");36 uint256 top_;37 unchecked {38 top_ = state_.stackIndex - 1;39 state_.stackIndex -= operand_;40 }41 uint256 baseIndex_ = state_.stackIndex;42 uint256 cursor_ = baseIndex_;43 uint256 accumulator_ = state_.stack[cursor_];44
45 // Addition.46 if (opcode_ == ADD) {47 while (cursor_ < top_) {48 unchecked {49 cursor_++;50 }51 accumulator_ += state_.stack[cursor_];52 }53 }54 // Subtraction.55 else if (opcode_ == SUB) {56 while (cursor_ < top_) {57 unchecked {58 cursor_++;59 }60 accumulator_ -= state_.stack[cursor_];61 }62 }63 // Multiplication.64 // Slither false positive here complaining about dividing before65 // multiplying but both are mututally exclusive according to `opcode_`.66 else if (opcode_ == MUL) {67 while (cursor_ < top_) {68 unchecked {69 cursor_++;70 }71 accumulator_ *= state_.stack[cursor_];72 }73 }74 // Division.75 else if (opcode_ == DIV) {76 while (cursor_ < top_) {77 unchecked {78 cursor_++;79 }80 accumulator_ /= state_.stack[cursor_];81 }82 }83 // Modulo.84 else if (opcode_ == MOD) {85 while (cursor_ < top_) {86 unchecked {87 cursor_++;88 }89 accumulator_ %= state_.stack[cursor_];90 }91 }92 // Exponentiation.93 else if (opcode_ == EXP) {94 while (cursor_ < top_) {95 unchecked {96 cursor_++;97 }98 accumulator_**state_.stack[cursor_];99 }100 }101 // Minimum.102 else if (opcode_ == MIN) {103 uint256 item_;104 while (cursor_ < top_) {105 unchecked {106 cursor_++;107 }108 item_ = state_.stack[cursor_];109 if (item_ < accumulator_) {110 accumulator_ = item_;111 }112 }113 }114 // Maximum.115 else if (opcode_ == MAX) {116 uint256 item_;117 while (cursor_ < top_) {118 unchecked {119 cursor_++;120 }121 item_ = state_.stack[cursor_];122 if (item_ > accumulator_) {123 accumulator_ = item_;124 }125 }126 }127
128 unchecked {129 state_.stack[baseIndex_] = accumulator_;130 state_.stackIndex++;131 }132}
We advise this to be done so to optimize the gas cost of the function.
The Rain Protocol team has stated that they plan to address this in an upcoming pull request. Given that this is a finding planned to be fixed, we consider this exhibit acknowledged.