Omniscia Mitosis Audit

Manual Review

Manual Review

A thorough line-by-line review was conducted on the codebase to identify potential malfunctions and vulnerabilities in Mitosis' cross-chain system.

As the project at hand implements a Hyperlane based cross-chain vault system, intricate care was put into ensuring that the flow of funds within the system conforms to the specifications and restrictions laid forth within the protocol's specification.

We validated that all state transitions of the system occur within sane criteria and that all rudimentary formulas within the system execute as expected. We pinpointed multiple cross-chain related vulnerabilities within the system which could have had severe ramifications to its overall operation; we urge the Mitosis team to promptly evaluate and remediate them.

Additionally, the system was investigated for any other commonly present attack vectors such as re-entrancy attacks, mathematical truncations, logical flaws and ERC / EIP standard inconsistencies. The documentation of the project was satisfactory to the extent it need be.

A total of 60 findings were identified over the course of the manual review of which 36 findings concerned the behaviour and security of the system. The non-security related findings, such as optimizations, are included in the separate Code Style chapter.

The finding table below enumerates all these security / behavioural findings:

ATM-01MInexistent Initialization Protection of Base Implementation
ATM-02MInexplicable Fallback Function
ABA-01MInexistent Initialization Protection of Base Implementation
ABA-02MInexistent Approval of Bridged Assets
BVT-01MBypass of Halt Restrictions
BVT-02MImproper Deposit Log Maintenance
BVT-03MInexistent Initialization Protection of Base Implementation
BVT-04MInexistent Consumption of Allowance
BVT-05MImproper Assumption of Binary Search
BVT-06MImproper Protection Against EIP-777 Re-Entrancies
BVF-01MInexistent Initialization Protection of Base Implementation
BVF-02MInsufficient Prevention of Vault Deployment
CCM-01MInexistent Initialization Protection of Base Implementation
CCM-02MImproper Refund Fee Acquisition
CCM-03MUnhandled Failure of Cross-Chain Message
CCD-01MInexistent Initialization Protection of Base Implementation
CCD-02MImproper Refund Processing
CCD-03MIncorrect Validation of Native Funds
CCD-04MIncorrect Approval Operation
CPA-01MInexistent Initialization Protection of Base Implementation
CPA-02MInexistent Validation of Ascending Cap Order
CPA-03MInexistent Validation of Epoch Configuration
CPA-04MTrivial Epoch Advancement
CPA-05MIncorrect Initialization of Minimum-Value Search
CVN-01MUnsafe Address Casting
EET-01MInexistent Initialization Protection of Base Implementation
EET-02MPotentially Insecure Approval Operations
ETN-01MEmpty Contract / TODO
MEG-01MIncorrect Message Type Encodings
OBA-01MInexistent Initialization Protection of Base Implementation
OBA-02MInexistent Approval of Bridged Assets
PZE-01MInexistent Initialization Protection of Base Implementation
PZE-02MInexistent Claim of Bridged Assets
PZE-03MInexistent Approval of Bridged Assets
VHB-01MInexistent Initialization Protection of Base Implementation
VHB-02MPotentially Dangerous Invocation