Omniscia Mitosis Audit

ArbitrumBridgeAdapter Manual Review Findings

ArbitrumBridgeAdapter Manual Review Findings

ABA-01M: Inexistent Initialization Protection of Base Implementation


The contract is meant to be upgradeable yet does not properly protect its logic deployment from malicious initializations.


36contract ArbitrumBridgeAdapter is IBridgeAdapter, OwnableUpgradeable, ArbitrumBridgeAdapterStorageV1 {
37 function initialize(IArbitrumGatewayRouter bridge_, IATM atm_, uint32 maxGas_, uint32 gasPriceBid_)
38 public
39 initializer
40 {
41 __Ownable_init();
43 _setATM(atm_);
44 _setGas(maxGas_, gasPriceBid_);
45 _setBridge(bridge_);
46 }


We advise a constructor to be introduced that either invokes the initializer modifier of the Initializable contract or invokes the Initializable::_disableInitializers function to prevent the base implementation from ever being initialized.

Alleviation (58e8cc66dfa900c03c47df78f5170d9960005629):

An ArbitrumBridgeAdapter::constructor has been introduced invoking the Initializable::initialize modifier thereby preventing re-initializations as long as the contract does not utilize a versioned initialization system.

If such a system is expected, we advise the Initializable::_disableInitializers function instead.

ABA-02M: Inexistent Approval of Bridged Assets


The ArbitrumBridgeAdapter::bridgeAsset function will not approve the necessary l1Asset amount to the bridge, causing bridge operations to fail.


Bridge operations are presently impossible as an approval has not been authorized to the bridge for it to escrow the funds bridged.


33function bridgeAsset(address destAddr, address l1Asset, address, uint256 amount) external {
34 bridge.outboundTransfer(l1Asset, destAddr, amount, maxGas, gasPriceBid, "");


We advise an approval operation to be performed beforehand, preferably in a secure way such as by using the SafeERC20 library by OpenZeppelin and specifically the SafeERC20::forceApprove function.

Alleviation (d94d2a63d2):

An approval is correctly performed in the latest implementation, however, it is utilizing the SafeERC20::safeIncreaseAllowance method instead of the forced approval mechanism we advised. As such, we consider this exhibit partially alleviated.

Alleviation (58e8cc66df):

The code was updated to utilize the SafeERC20::forceApprove function thus ensuring that the approval is forced to the new value and is not incremented.

As such, we consider this exhibit fully alleviated.