Omniscia Mitosis Audit

BasicVaultFactory Manual Review Findings

BasicVaultFactory Manual Review Findings

BVF-01M: Inexistent Initialization Protection of Base Implementation


The contract is meant to be upgradeable yet does not properly protect its logic deployment from malicious initializations.


41contract BasicVaultFactory is IVaultFactory, OwnableUpgradeable, BasicVaultFactoryStorageV1 {
42 event VaultDeployed(address indexed instance, uint256 indexed id);
44 function initialize(address owner, address hub) public initializer {
45 __Ownable_init();
46 _transferOwnership(owner);
48 StorageV1 storage $ = _getStorageV1();
50 address initialVaultImpl = address(new BasicVault());
51 $._beacon = new UpgradeableBeacon(initialVaultImpl);
52 $._beacon.transferOwnership(owner);
53 $._hub = hub;
54 }


We advise a constructor to be introduced that either invokes the initializer modifier of the Initializable contract or invokes the Initializable::_disableInitializers function to prevent the base implementation from ever being initialized.

Alleviation (58e8cc66dfa900c03c47df78f5170d9960005629):

A BasicVaultFactory::constructor has been introduced invoking the Initializable::initialize modifier thereby preventing re-initializations as long as the contract does not utilize a versioned initialization system.

If such a system is expected, we advise the Initializable::_disableInitializers function instead.

BVF-02M: Insufficient Prevention of Vault Deployment


The BasicVaultFactory::createVault function is meant to prevent the same vault to be deployed via the create2 deployment mechanism, however, it is still possible to re-deploy the same asset, name, and symbol combination for a vault by changing the OwnableUpgradeable::owner of the BasicVaultFactory.


If the BasicVaultFactory owner is expected to change, a vault with an identical configuration will be deployable which we consider invalid.


138function _calcDeployMetadata(address asset, string memory name, string memory symbol)
139 internal
140 view
141 returns (bytes32, bytes memory)
143 bytes32 salt = keccak256(abi.encode(asset, name, symbol));
145 // slither-disable-next-line too-many-digits
146 bytes memory bytecode = abi.encodePacked(
147 type(BeaconProxy).creationCode,
148 abi.encode(
149 _getStorageV1()._beacon,
150 abi.encodeWithSelector(BasicVault.initialize.selector, owner(), asset, name, symbol)
151 )
152 );
154 return (salt, bytecode);


We advise this trait to be evaluated, and an alternative mechanism to be implemented for initializing the owner of the BasicVault that does not affect its deployed address.

Alleviation (58e8cc66dfa900c03c47df78f5170d9960005629):

The OwnableUpgradeable::owner of the BasicVaultFactory is no longer part of the create2 deployment mechanism with ownership being transferred immediately after the contract has been deployed.

Therefore, the create2 mechanism is no longer influenced by the variable alleviating this exhibit.