Omniscia Olympus DAO Audit

Timelock Code Style Findings

Timelock Code Style Findings

TIM-01C: Redundant Implementation

Language SpecificInformationalTimelock.sol:L53-L64


The sqrrt implementation present within the in-file declared SafeMath function is redundant and overly convoluted by wrapping each statement with its SafeMath equivalent, which at times is unnecessary such as when dividing with non-zero value literals.


53function sqrrt(uint256 a) internal pure returns (uint c) {
54 if (a > 3) {
55 c = a;
56 uint b = add( div( a, 2), 1 );
57 while (b < c) {
58 c = b;
59 b = div( add( div( a, b ), b), 2 );
60 }
61 } else if (a != 0) {
62 c = 1;
63 }


We advise the implementation to be entirely omitted to also ensure that source code match analysis detects the Timelock contract as being an identical copy of Compound's implementation.


The sqrrt function was safely omitted from the codebase.