Omniscia Olympus DAO Audit

GovernorAlpha Manual Review Findings

GovernorAlpha Manual Review Findings

GAA-01M: Improper Percentage Documented

Logical FaultInformationalGovernorAlpha.sol:L14


The proposalThresholdPercent is meant to showcase the percentage of voting power required to make a proposal, however, it is incorrectly documented as 1.00% when in reality it is 10% when the divisor of the getVotesFromPercentOfsOHMSupply function is taken into account.


12/// @notice The maximum setable proposal threshold percent
13/// @notice change from original contract
14function proposalThresholdPercent() public pure returns (uint) { return 100000; } // 1.00% of sOHM circulating supply : In ten-thosandaths 10000 = 1.00%


We advise the documentation or value itself to be properly remediated depending on the canonical value of the proposal threshold.


The value was corrected to the 1.00% indicated by its corresponding comments.