Omniscia Olympus DAO Audit
BondDepository Manual Review Findings
BondDepository Manual Review Findings
BDY-01M: Improper Bond Price Assumption
Type | Severity | Location |
Logical Fault | Major | BondDepository.sol:L328-L341 |
The _bondPrice
adjusts the on-chain minimum price of a bond to 0
if the price of the bond is exceeded, however, the debtRatio
variable relies on the total supply of OHM which is fully manipulateable and thus can cause the price of a bond to increase above the minimum temporarily by taking advantage of the debtRatio
reliance on OHM.totalSupply
328/**329 * @notice calculate current bond price and remove floor if above330 * @param _BID uint331 * @return price_ uint332 */333function _bondPrice(uint256 _BID) internal returns (uint256 price_) {334 Bond memory info = bonds[_BID];335 price_ = info.terms.controlVariable.mul(debtRatio(_BID)).add(1000000000).div(1e7);336 if (price_ < info.terms.minimumPrice) {337 price_ = info.terms.minimumPrice;338 } else if (info.terms.minimumPrice != 0) {339 bonds[_BID].terms.minimumPrice = 0;340 }341}342
343/**344 * @notice converts bond price to DAI value345 * @param _BID uint346 * @return price_ uint347 */348function bondPriceInUSD(uint256 _BID) public view returns (uint256 price_) {349 Bond memory bond = bonds[_BID];350 if (address(bond.calculator) != address(0)) {351 price_ = bondPrice(_BID).mul(bond.calculator.markdown(address(bond.principal))).div(100);352 } else {353 price_ = bondPrice(_BID).mul(10**IERC20Metadata(address(bond.principal)).decimals()).div(100);354 }355}356
357// DEBT358
359/**360 * @notice calculate current ratio of debt to OHM supply361 * @param _BID uint362 * @return debtRatio_ uint363 */364function debtRatio(uint256 _BID) public view returns (uint256 debtRatio_) {365 debtRatio_ = FixedPoint.fraction(currentDebt(_BID).mul(1e9), OHM.totalSupply()).decode112with18().div(1e18);366}
We advise the function to not adjust the minimum price as it can lead to the pricing of a bond becoming less-than-minimum under the right circumstances.
The Olympus DAO team considered this exhibit but decided to retain the current behaviour of the code in place.
BDY-02M: Inexistent Validation of Terms
Type | Severity | Location |
Input Sanitization | Medium | BondDepository.sol:L97-L129 |
All arguments of the setTerms
function are not sanitized and as such can be arbitrarily set to values that may be illogical or result in exploits, such as a conclusion
that is beyond the expiration
of the bond and other similar issues.
97/**98 * @notice set minimum price for new bond99 * @param _id uint100 * @param _controlVariable uint101 * @param _fixedTerm bool102 * @param _vestingTerm uint103 * @param _expiration uint104 * @param _conclusion uint105 * @param _minimumPrice uint106 * @param _maxPayout uint107 * @param _maxDebt uint108 * @param _initialDebt uint109 */110function setTerms(111 uint256 _id,112 uint256 _controlVariable,113 bool _fixedTerm,114 uint256 _vestingTerm,115 uint256 _expiration,116 uint256 _conclusion,117 uint256 _minimumPrice,118 uint256 _maxPayout,119 uint256 _maxDebt,120 uint256 _initialDebt121) external onlyGuardian {122 require(!bonds[_id].termsSet, "Already set");123
124 Terms memory terms = Terms({controlVariable: _controlVariable, fixedTerm: _fixedTerm, vestingTerm: _vestingTerm, expiration: _expiration, conclusion: _conclusion, minimumPrice: _minimumPrice, maxPayout: _maxPayout, maxDebt: _maxDebt});125
126 bonds[_id].terms = terms;127 bonds[_id].totalDebt = _initialDebt;128 bonds[_id].termsSet = true;129}
We strongly recommend some form of input sanitization to be enforced on the bond terms as in the current state the guardian has significant control over the protocol's normal operation.
The Olympus DAO team considered this exhibit but decided to retain the current behaviour of the code in place.
BDY-03M: Inexplicable Optional Value of Decay
Type | Severity | Location |
Logical Fault | Medium | BondDepository.sol:L390-L402 |
The debtDecay
function relies on the vestingTerm
variable of the Term
struct which is meant to be an optional variable based on the documentation of the struct.
390/**391 * @notice amount to decay total debt by392 * @param _BID uint393 * @return decay_ uint394 */395function debtDecay(uint256 _BID) public view returns (uint256 decay_) {396 Bond memory bond = bonds[_BID];397 uint256 blocksSinceLast = block.number.sub(bond.lastDecay);398 decay_ = bond.totalDebt.mul(blocksSinceLast).div(bond.terms.vestingTerm);399 if (decay_ > bond.totalDebt) {400 decay_ = bond.totalDebt;401 }402}
We advise its purpose to be better defined in the struct declaration as bonds without a fixed term are possible, causing decay to misbehave.
The Olympus DAO team considered this exhibit but decided to retain the current behaviour of the code in place.