Omniscia Kyo Finance Audit
NonfungiblePositionManager Code Style Findings
NonfungiblePositionManager Code Style Findings
NPM-01C: Inefficient Initialization of Position
Type | Severity | Location |
Gas Optimization | ![]() | NonfungiblePositionManager.sol:L101 |
The creation of a new position via the NonfungiblePositionManager::mint
function is presently inefficient as the operation will result in multiple storage writes of 0
even though the only variables that need to be initialized are the growth control variables.
93function mint(MintParams calldata params) external payable override checkDeadline(params.deadline) returns (uint256 tokenId, uint128 liquidity, uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1) {94 IUniswapV3Pool pool;95 (liquidity, amount0, amount1, pool) = addLiquidity(AddLiquidityParams({token0: params.token0, token1: params.token1, fee: params.fee, recipient: address(this), tickLower: params.tickLower, tickUpper: params.tickUpper, amount0Desired: params.amount0Desired, amount1Desired: params.amount1Desired, amount0Min: params.amount0Min, amount1Min: params.amount1Min}));96
97 _mint(params.recipient, (tokenId = _nextId++));98
99 _positions[tokenId] = Position({nonce: 0, operator: address(0), pool: pool, tickLower: params.tickLower, tickUpper: params.tickUpper, liquidity: 0, liquidityStaked: 0, feeGrowthInside0LastX128: 0, feeGrowthInside1LastX128: 0, rewardGrowthInsideLastX128: 0, tokensOwed0: 0, tokensOwed1: 0, rewardsOwed: 0});100
101 _updatePosition(tokenId);102 _positions[tokenId].liquidity += liquidity;103
104 emit IncreaseLiquidity(tokenId, liquidity, amount0, amount1);105}
We advise the growth control variables to be initialized directly similarly to the original Uniswap V3 implementation, greatly optimizing the code's gas cost.
Alleviation (17c8d4e59f398021156f6f9657ff278aae0462ae):
The Kyo Finance team evaluated this exhibit but opted to acknowledge it in the current iteration of the codebase.