Omniscia Kyo Finance Audit

TokenStreamSplitter Manual Review Findings

TokenStreamSplitter Manual Review Findings

TSS-01M: Inefficient & Incorrect Distribution Count Evaluation


The pending input amounts with update in the TokenStreamSplitter::_distribute function will not change within a single transaction, indicating that the gas-intensive evaluation loop should be processed once even if no rewards were obtained.

Additionally, a user interacting in a block where no new rewards have been observed will have lost any rewards from previous blocks as their poke operation will not be processed.


Poke operations may operate on an outdated distributeCount value that may result in incorrect reward tracking.


73function _distribute() internal {
74 if (!_shouldDistribute()) return;
75 address[] memory inputTokens = _inputTokens();
76 bool modified;
77 for (uint256 i = 0; i < inputTokens.length; i++) {
78 address token = inputTokens[i];
79 uint128 pendingAmount = _pendingInputAmountWithUpdate(token);
80 uint128 lastSeen = lastSeenPendingInputAmounts[token];
81 if (pendingAmount > lastSeen) {
82 modified = true;
83 ledger.distribute(token, pendingAmount - lastSeen);
84 lastSeenPendingInputAmounts[token] = pendingAmount;
85 }
86 }
87 if (modified) distributeCount += 1;


We advise the distributeCount flag value to be set to 1 regardless of whether a reward was observed so as to optimize consequent invocations of the TokenStreamSplitter::_distribute function.

Alleviation (17c8d4e59f398021156f6f9657ff278aae0462ae):

The codebase was updated to mark the current distribution as being performed regardless of whether new amounts were observed, alleviating the exhibit in full.