Omniscia Kyo Finance Audit

UniswapV3Pool Code Style Findings

UniswapV3Pool Code Style Findings

UVP-01C: Ineffectual Usage of Safe Arithmetics

Language SpecificUniswapV3Pool.sol:
I-1: L289, L290
I-2: L690
I-3: L698


The linked mathematical operations are guaranteed to be performed safely by surrounding conditionals evaluated in either require checks or if-else constructs.


287if (pendingReward > lastPendingReward) {
288 // this should always be true, if gauge works correctly
289 rewardGrowthGlobalX128 += FullMath.mulDiv(pendingReward - lastPendingReward, FixedPoint128.Q128, liquidityStaked);
290 emit Reward(pendingReward - lastPendingReward);
291 lastPendingReward = pendingReward;


Given that safe arithmetics are toggled on by default in pragma versions of 0.8.X, we advise the linked statements to be wrapped in unchecked code blocks thereby optimizing their execution cost.

Alleviation (17c8d4e59f398021156f6f9657ff278aae0462ae):

The Kyo Finance team evaluated this exhibit but opted to acknowledge it in the current iteration of the codebase.

UVP-02C: Inefficient Conditional Trigger


The referenced conditional will trigger inefficiently whenever the liquidityStakedDelta is non-zero as a state mutation solely occurs when the _slot0.tick is also lower than the tickUpper in such a case.


254if (params.liquidityDelta != 0 || params.liquidityStakedDelta != 0) {
255 if (_slot0.tick < params.tickLower) {
256 // current tick is below the passed range; liquidity can only become in range by crossing from left to
257 // right, when we'll need _more_ token0 (it's becoming more valuable) so user must provide it
258 amount0 = SqrtPriceMath.getAmount0Delta(TickMath.getSqrtRatioAtTick(params.tickLower), TickMath.getSqrtRatioAtTick(params.tickUpper), params.liquidityDelta);
259 } else if (_slot0.tick < params.tickUpper) {
260 // current tick is inside the passed range
261 uint128 liquidityBefore = liquidity; // SLOAD for gas optimization
262 uint128 liquidityStakedBefore = liquidityStaked; // SLOAD for gas optimization
264 if (params.liquidityDelta != 0) {
265 // write an oracle entry
266 (slot0.observationIndex, slot0.observationCardinality) = observations.write(_slot0.observationIndex, _slot0.tick, liquidityBefore, _slot0.observationCardinality, _slot0.observationCardinalityNext);
267 }
269 amount0 = SqrtPriceMath.getAmount0Delta(_slot0.sqrtPriceX96, TickMath.getSqrtRatioAtTick(params.tickUpper), params.liquidityDelta);
270 amount1 = SqrtPriceMath.getAmount1Delta(TickMath.getSqrtRatioAtTick(params.tickLower), _slot0.sqrtPriceX96, params.liquidityDelta);
272 liquidity = params.liquidityDelta < 0 ? liquidityBefore - uint128(-params.liquidityDelta) : liquidityBefore + uint128(params.liquidityDelta);
274 liquidityStaked = params.liquidityStakedDelta < 0 ? liquidityStakedBefore - uint128(-params.liquidityStakedDelta) : liquidityStakedBefore + uint128(params.liquidityStakedDelta);
275 } else {
276 // current tick is above the passed range; liquidity can only become in range by crossing from right to
277 // left, when we'll need _more_ token1 (it's becoming more valuable) so user must provide it
278 amount1 = SqrtPriceMath.getAmount1Delta(TickMath.getSqrtRatioAtTick(params.tickLower), TickMath.getSqrtRatioAtTick(params.tickUpper), params.liquidityDelta);
279 }


We advise the conditional and relevant logic to be relocated to a new if clause that checks whether the liquidityStakedDelta is non-zero and the _slot0.tick is less than the params.tickUpper, optimizing the code's gas cost significantly.

Alleviation (17c8d4e59f398021156f6f9657ff278aae0462ae):

The Kyo Finance team evaluated this exhibit but opted to acknowledge it in the current iteration of the codebase.

UVP-03C: Inefficient Evaluations of Both Input Tokens


The UniswapV3Pool::mint function will inefficiently evaluate both tokens of the AMM pair even if the user is supplying one-sided liquidity.


339/// @inheritdoc IUniswapV3PoolActions
340function mint(address recipient, int24 tickLower, int24 tickUpper, uint128 amount, bytes calldata data) external override lock returns (uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1) {
341 require(amount > 0);
342 _updateRewardGrowth();
343 (Position.Info storage position, int256 amount0Int, int256 amount1Int) = _modifyPosition(ModifyPositionParams({owner: recipient, tickLower: tickLower, tickUpper: tickUpper, liquidityDelta: int256(uint256(amount)).toInt128(), liquidityStakedDelta: 0}));
345 amount0 = uint256(amount0Int);
346 amount1 = uint256(amount1Int);
348 uint256 balance0Before;
349 uint256 balance1Before;
350 balance0Before = balance0();
351 balance1Before = balance1();
352 IUniswapV3MintCallback(msg.sender).uniswapV3MintCallback(amount0, amount1, data);
353 require(balance0Before + amount0 <= balance0(), M0());
354 require(balance1Before + amount1 <= balance1(), M1());
356 position.log(msg.sender, tickLower, tickUpper);
357 emit Mint(msg.sender, recipient, tickLower, tickUpper, amount, amount0, amount1);


We advise the code to optimally confirm balance changes by evaluating the balance before and after checks solely when the relevant amount variable is positive, similarly to the original Uniswap V3 code.

Alleviation (17c8d4e59f398021156f6f9657ff278aae0462ae):

The Kyo Finance team evaluated this exhibit but opted to acknowledge it in the current iteration of the codebase.

UVP-04C: Inefficient Structure Pointer Type


The referenced local variable is declared as memory yet not all of the structure's data points are read.


133function positions(bytes32 i) external view override returns (uint128 liquidity, uint256 feeGrowthInside0LastX128, uint256 feeGrowthInside1LastX128, uint128 tokensOwed0, uint128 tokensOwed1) {
134 Position.Info memory pos = _positions[i];
135 return (pos.liquidity, pos.feeGrowthInside0LastX128, pos.feeGrowthInside1LastX128, pos.tokensOwed0, pos.tokensOwed1);


We advise it to be updated to storage, optimizing the code's gas cost.

Alleviation (17c8d4e59f398021156f6f9657ff278aae0462ae):

The Kyo Finance team evaluated this exhibit but opted to acknowledge it in the current iteration of the codebase.

UVP-05C: Redundant Casting Sequence


The referenced casting sequence is redundant as the type(int128).max value can be directly cast to the uint128 data type that the amount is represented in.


420require(amount <= uint256(int256(type(int128).max)));


We advise this to be done so, optimizing the code's legibility.

Alleviation (17c8d4e59f398021156f6f9657ff278aae0462ae):

The Kyo Finance team evaluated this exhibit but opted to acknowledge it in the current iteration of the codebase.

UVP-06C: Repetitive Value Literal


The linked value literal is repeated across the codebase multiple times.


39using Oracle for Oracle.Observation[65535];


We advise it to be set to a constant variable instead, optimizing the legibility of the codebase.

In case the constant has already been declared, we advise it to be properly re-used across the code.

Alleviation (17c8d4e59f398021156f6f9657ff278aae0462ae):

The Kyo Finance team evaluated this exhibit but opted to acknowledge it in the current iteration of the codebase.

UVP-07C: Unconditional Increment of Fee Growth Global

Gas OptimizationUniswapV3Pool.sol:
I-1: L666
I-2: L671


The relevant fee-growth-global variables of the contract are unconditionally incremented in the UniswapV3Pool::flash function yet they are conditionally incremented in the UniswapV3Pool::swap implementation.


663if (paid0 > 0) {
664 (uint256 lpFee, uint256 protocolFee) = splitFees(paid0, _protocolFeeRate, _liquidity, liquidityStaked);
665 _bribe(protocolFee, 0);
666 feeGrowthGlobal0X128 += FullMath.mulDiv(lpFee, FixedPoint128.Q128, _liquidity - liquidityStaked);


We advise a uniform approach to be followed by the codebase, the latter of which we advise as it appears to be the most optimal one.

Alleviation (17c8d4e59f398021156f6f9657ff278aae0462ae):

The Kyo Finance team evaluated this exhibit but opted to acknowledge it in the current iteration of the codebase.