Omniscia BlazeSwap Audit

BlazeSwapDelegation Manual Review Findings

BlazeSwapDelegation Manual Review Findings

BSD-01M: Improper Plugin Layout Assumption


The code of withdrawRewardFees assumes that the first address in the list of plugins will be the BlazeSwapDelegation contract itself and as such starts iteration from the value of 1, however, this may not always be the case.


Should the plugin layout be corrupted, the withdrawRewardFees function will be inoperable causing fees to be locked in the system.


211function withdrawRewardFees() external lock {
212 address[] storage plugins = BlazeSwapPairStorage.layout().pluginImpls;
213 BlazeSwapDelegationStorage.Layout storage l = BlazeSwapDelegationStorage.layout();
214 IWNat wNat = l.wNat; // gas savings
215 address payable rewardManager = l.rewardManager; // gas savings
216 uint256 totalRewards;
217 for (uint256 i = 1; i < plugins.length; i++) {
218 bytes memory result = DelegateCallHelper.delegateAndCheckResult(
219 plugins[i],
220 abi.encodeWithSelector(IIBlazeSwapReward.unclaimedRewards.selector)
221 );
222 totalRewards += abi.decode(result, (uint256));
223 }
224 uint256 balance = wNat.balanceOf(rewardManager);
225 uint256 extraBalance = balance - totalRewards;
226 if (extraBalance > 0) {
227 address feeTo = l.manager.rewardsFeeTo();
228 require(feeTo != address(0), 'BlazeSwap: ADDRESS_ZERO');
229 BlazeSwapRewardManager(rewardManager).sendRewards(feeTo, extraBalance, false);
230 }


We advise the plugin to be evaluated in relation to the address it is pointing to instead, simply issuing a continue instruction when it matches the BlazeSwapDelegation plugin.


The BlazeSwap team evaluated this exhibit and stated that the layout is in fact enforced by the initializePair function present in a separate contract. While the layout may still not be proper if the contract is utilized in a different context, we consider this exhibit as addressed given that it currently fits the purposes of the BlazeSwap system.

BSD-02M: Potential Flash Loan Manipulation


The vote evaluation mechanism is using spot values that can be manipulated by flash-loaning a significant sum, depositing LPs to a particular pool and invoking the changeProviders function.


As the variable entries of providerVotes that alludes to a vote system are susceptible to flash-loan attacks, this may have wider implications as to how the delegate system works.


165function checkMostVotedProviders(BlazeSwapDelegationStorage.Layout storage l, address[2] memory newProviders)
166 private
167 view
169 if (newProviders[0] == address(0) || newProviders[0] == newProviders[1]) revertInvalidProviders();
170 if (newProviders[1] == address(0) && l.allProviders.length != 1) revertInvalidProviders();
171 (address[] memory _delegateAddresses, , , ) = l.wNat.delegatesOf(l.rewardManager);
172 uint256 oldTotal;
173 for (uint256 i; i < _delegateAddresses.length; i++) {
174 oldTotal += l.providerVotes[_delegateAddresses[i]];
175 }
176 uint256 newTotal;
177 for (uint256 i; i < newProviders.length; i++) {
178 if (newProviders[i] == address(0)) continue;
179 uint256 votes = l.providerVotes[newProviders[i]];
180 if (votes == 0) revertInvalidProviders();
181 newTotal += votes;
182 }
183 if (newTotal <= oldTotal) revertInvalidProviders();


We advise the system to be evaluated against the flash-loan related attack as currently it is possible to artificially inflate providerVotes values as they are evaluated using a latest-value mechanism.


The BlazeSwap team evaluated this exhibit and stated that flash-loan attacks for this particular voting system have limited impact and are thus not lucrative for a potential attacker. Additionally, they have imposed a security mechanism whereby the providers cannot be changed in the same transaction origin / block that delegator votes are transferred, thus providing some form of flash-loan protection. We deem this exhibit adequately addressed based on the assumption that BlazeSwap will actively monitor the function against changes in usage as it may still be susceptible to MEV attacks using a different tx.origin and normal loans.