Omniscia BlazeSwap Audit

BlazeSwapFtsoReward Manual Review Findings

BlazeSwapFtsoReward Manual Review Findings

BFR-01M: Inexistent Guarantee of Epoch Distribution


The claimFtsoRewards function can be invoked for epochs that have not been properly claimed yet, causing no rewards to be claimed when there could be some owed.


Currently, users may be misled as to the rewards they are attempting to claim in case the distribution method hasn't been invoked first properly.


206function claimFtsoRewards(
207 uint256[] calldata epochs,
208 address to,
209 bool wrapped
210) external lock onlyDelegatedCall {
211 BlazeSwapFtsoRewardStorage.Layout storage l = BlazeSwapFtsoRewardStorage.layout();
212 IFtsoManager ftsoManager = BlazeSwapFlareLibrary.getFtsoManager();
213 uint256 currentRewardEpoch = ftsoManager.getCurrentRewardEpoch();
214 uint256 firstRewardEpoch = ftsoManager.getRewardEpochToExpireNext();
216 uint256 totalRewards;
217 for (uint256 i; i < epochs.length; i++) {
218 uint256 epoch = epochs[i];
219 if (epoch >= firstRewardEpoch && epoch < currentRewardEpoch) {
220 totalRewards += claimFtsoRewards(l, msg.sender, to, epochs[i]);
221 }
222 }
223 if (totalRewards > 0) {
224 BlazeSwapRewardManager(BlazeSwapRewardLibrary.rewardManagerFor(address(this))).sendRewards(
225 to,
226 totalRewards,
227 !wrapped
228 );
229 }


We advise the claimFtsoRewards to validate that the epoch being specified for a claim has also been properly distributed, otherwise distributing on-the-spot or informing the user via an event.


The BlazeSwap team considered this exhibit but opted not to apply a remediation for it as they have stated they will not remediate any issues of minor severity and below.