Omniscia BlazeSwap Audit

SafeERC20Namer Manual Review Findings

SafeERC20Namer Manual Review Findings

SER-01M: Trivial Symbol Collision


The addressToSymbol function used as a fallback by tokenSymbol only extracts 6 members from the token address thus allowing collisions to be trivially craft-able.


Allowing symbols to be arbitrarily define-able enables spoofing and similar attacks to be easier to carry out.


49// uses a heuristic to produce a token symbol from the address
50// the heuristic returns the first 6 hex of the address string in upper case
51function addressToSymbol(address token) private pure returns (string memory) {
52 return AddressStringUtil.toAsciiString(token, 6);


We advise this trait of the system to be re-evaluated and an additional salting mechanism to be used instead to ensure collision cannot occur as trivially.


The BlazeSwap team stated that this contract is a stub and thus should not have been in scope of the audit. As a result, we consider this exhibit nullified.