Omniscia BlazeSwap Audit
BlazeSwapERC20Snapshot Manual Review Findings
BlazeSwapERC20Snapshot Manual Review Findings
BSC-01M: Improper Snapshot ID Validation
Type | Severity | Location |
Logical Fault | BlazeSwapERC20Snapshot.sol:L60 |
The snapshotId
validation check performed at _valueAt
allows the snapshotId
to contain a value of block.number
thus permitting flash-loans and similar attack vectors to yield an inflated value at the current block.
It currently is possible to achieve inflated _valueAt
evaluations that can compromise all systems using the snapshotted value such as governance modules.
59function _valueAt(uint256 snapshotId, Snapshot[] storage snapshots) private view returns (bool, uint256) {60 require(snapshotId > 0 && snapshotId <= block.number, 'BlazeSwap: INVALID_SNAPSHOT_ID');
We advise the current block.number
to be prohibited from querying similarly to the Compound and OpenZeppelin Comp
-like token implementations.
The BlazeSwap team stated that the token should mimic the functionality of Flare Network's WNAT token and that it is up to integrators to properly validate that the block.number
represents a number that is before the latest block. As a result, we consider this exhibit nullified given that the current implementation represents intended behaviour.