Omniscia BlazeSwap Audit

BlazeSwapLibrary Manual Review Findings

BlazeSwapLibrary Manual Review Findings

BSL-01M: Usage of Init Code Hash


The code should contain a test case that validates the code hash specified for calculating pair addresses is correct as a mis-deployment can cause the library to malfunction.


As the init code hash relies on the compilation environment as well, it is possible for the hardcoded value to mis-match the real hash and thus cause the library to ultimately yield incorrect addresses for the pairs.


29hex'06f4c56bc41fc4a9d3f9775287a399192bd2832a47dff6980fa175148b7992d7' // init code hash


We advise this trait to be taken into consideration carefully as the init code hash can vary greatly even between compilation environments.


The BlazeSwap team stated that the hash is validated indirectly as part of the router tests given that they fail to execute properly should the hash change. As a result, we consider this exhibit alleviated.