Omniscia BlazeSwap Audit

BlazeSwapPair Manual Review Findings

BlazeSwapPair Manual Review Findings

BSP-01M: Improper Plugin Layout Assumption


The _beforeTokenTransfer hook assumes that the first plugin ever defined will be the BlazeSwapDelegation plugin, however, this may not be the case.


An improper plugin layout can cause all token transfers to be inoperable.


103function _beforeTokenTransfer(
104 address from,
105 address to,
106 uint256 amount
107) internal override(BlazeSwapERC20, BlazeSwapERC20Snapshot) {
108 super._beforeTokenTransfer(from, to, amount);
109 // move votes
110 BlazeSwapPairStorage.Layout storage l = BlazeSwapPairStorage.layout();
111 if (l.pluginImpls.length > 0) {
112 address plugin = l.pluginImpls[0];
113 DelegateCallHelper.delegateAndCheckResult(
114 plugin,
115 abi.encodeWithSelector(IIBlazeSwapDelegation.transferDelegatorVotes.selector, from, to, amount)
116 );
117 }


We advise the system to instead use the pluginSelector mapping to acquire the plugin address to query as the msg.sig commonly used for the fallback function in this case would be IIBlazeSwapDelegation.transferDelegatorVotes.selector.


The BlazeSwap team evaluated this exhibit and stated that the layout is in fact enforced by the initializePair function present in a separate contract. While the layout may still not be proper if the contract is utilized in a different context, we consider this exhibit as addressed given that it currently fits the purposes of the BlazeSwap system.