Omniscia Moby Audit
VaultUtils Manual Review Findings
VaultUtils Manual Review Findings
VUS-01M: Inexistent Emission of Event
Type | Severity | Location |
Standard Conformity | VaultUtils.sol:L432-L434, L475-L477, L490-L492, L531-L533 |
The referenced statements normally emit a VaultPositionSettled
or VaultPendingPositionSettled
event, however, when they are executed pre-emptively they do not.
As this finding pertains an off-chain impact, its severity is unquantifiable.
489if (index == length) {490 _removeExpiryFromArray(_expiry, false, true);491 isPositionAtExternalExpirySettled[_expiry] = true;492 return true;493}494
495if (_endLength > length) {496 _endLength = length;497}498
499while(index < _endLength) {500 IVaultUtils.OptionToken memory token = optionTokensAtExternalExpiry[_expiry][index];501
502 address quotetoken = _getQuoteTokenForSettlement(token.optionTokenId);503 address[] memory path = new address[](1);504 path[0] = quotetoken;505
506 uint16 underlyingAssetIndex = Utils.getUnderlyingAssetIndexByOptionTokenId(token.optionTokenId);507
508 bool shouldContinue = true;509
510 try IVault(vault).settleVaultPosition(511 path,512 underlyingAssetIndex,513 token.optionTokenId514 ) returns (bool isSettled) {515 if (isSettled) IVault(vault).directPoolDeposit(quotetoken);516 } catch {517 shouldContinue = false;518 }519
520 if (shouldContinue) {521 delete optionTokensAtExternalExpiry[_expiry][index];522 index++;523 } else {524 break;525 }526}527
528optionTokensAtExternalExpiryStart[_expiry] = index;529
530if (index == length) {531 _removeExpiryFromArray(_expiry, false, true);532 isPositionAtExternalExpirySettled[_expiry] = true;533 emit VaultPendingPositionSettled(address(vault), _expiry);534}
We advise the event to be properly introduced, ensuring that the event emittances are correct.
Alleviation (b02fae335f62cc1f5f4236fb4d982ad16a32bd26):
A proper event emission has been introduced in the two out of the four referenced storage mutations that were previously not accompanied by one, addressing this exhibit in full.
VUS-02M: Improper Handling of Vault Settlements
Type | Severity | Location |
Logical Fault | VaultUtils.sol:L457, L515 |
The referenced statements will perform a direct pool deposit if the positions they attempted to settle were settled, however, they will proceed execution even if they were not settled.
The exhibit has been set as informational
given that the Vault::settleVaultPosition
function will never yield false
, causing this vulnerability to not manifest.
452try IVault(vault).settleVaultPosition(453 path,454 underlyingAssetIndex,455 token.optionTokenId456) returns (bool isSettled) {457 if (isSettled) IVault(vault).directPoolDeposit(quotetoken);458} catch Error(string memory reason) {459 shouldContinue = false;460
461 emit CatchError(reason);462}
We advise the code to ensure that the position was settled either by mandating that isSettled
is true
, or assigning shouldContinue
to false
if isSettled
is false
Alleviation (b02fae335f62cc1f5f4236fb4d982ad16a32bd26):
The code was instead updated to yield the value that the settlement occurred for, and to only perform a deposit if the value is non-zero.
As such, we consider this exhibit properly alleviated.
VUS-03M: Unscalable Array Based Mechanism
Type | Severity | Location |
Logical Fault | VaultUtils.sol:L548-L556, L601-L607 |
The referenced functions which are invoked as part of sensitive flows (i.e. VaultUtils::settleSelfOriginatedPositions
, VaultUtils::settleExternalOriginatedPositions
) will iterate a theoretically unbounded array.
If sufficient expiries are introduced to the options system of the Moby team without being processed, all aforementioned functions will become permanently inoperable as the block gas limit would be achieved when trying to invoke them.
594function _removeExpiryFromArray(uint256 _expiry, bool _isSelfOriginated, bool _isForSettlement) internal {595 uint256[] storage targetArray = _isSelfOriginated596 ? (!_isForSettlement ? selfOriginatedExpiries : selfExpiriesReadyForSettlement)597 : (!_isForSettlement ? externalOriginatedExpiries : externalExpiriesReadyForSettlement);598
599 uint256 arrlength = targetArray.length;600
601 for (uint256 i = 0; i < arrlength; i++) {602 if (targetArray[i] == _expiry) {603 targetArray[i] = targetArray[arrlength - 1];604 targetArray.pop();605 break;606 }607 }608}
We advise this approach to be revised as the functions may become inoperable if the array becomes sufficiently large due to block gas limits.
The VaultUtils::_prepareExpiriesForSettlement
function could accept a number of expiries it should process, while the VaultUtils::_removeExpiryFromArray
function could accept an index to remove as it is always known or can be known when it is invoked.
Alleviation (b02fae335f):
The expiry removal mechanism was updated per our recommendation, and as an alleviation to the preparation loop a VaultUtils::migrateExpiryToSettle
function was introduced permitting expiries to be migrated one-by-one.
A new vulnerability has been introduced as a result of the atomic function whereby the _expiry
being migrated is not validated as being less than the currentTime
permitting any expiry to be migrated for settlement.
Alleviation (a8720219a6):
The VaultUtils::migrateExpiryToSettle
function has been removed from the codebase to eliminate the newly introduced vulnerability, however, a fix for the VaultUtils::_prepareExpiriesForSettlement
has not been introduced as advised rendering this exhibit partially addressed.
Alleviation (a95db4124c):
The code of the VaultUtils::prepareExpiresToSettle
function was updated to accept a start and end index, properly permitting the caller to define the precise subset of expiries that should be processed and thus alleviating this exhibit in full.