Omniscia Xcaliswap Audit

Bribe Manual Review Findings

Bribe Manual Review Findings

BEB-01M: Potential Denial-of-Service Attack of Rewards

Logical FaultBribe.sol:L442-L445


The notifyRewardAmount mechanism will automatically add a token if it does not already exist in the rewards array without an upper limit on the total entries thus potentially creating a Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack on the _updateRewardForAllTokens function.


It is currently possible to add an unlimited number of reward tokens which could cause the contract to become inoperable wherever the _updateRewardForAllTokens function is invoked, a trait highly undesirable for such a high-value system.


421// used to notify a gauge/bribe of a given reward, this can create griefing attacks by extending rewards
422function notifyRewardAmount(address token, uint amount) external lock {
423 require(amount > 0);
425 if (rewardRate[token] == 0) _writeRewardPerTokenCheckpoint(token, 0, block.timestamp);
426 (rewardPerTokenStored[token], lastUpdateTime[token]) = _updateRewardPerToken(token, type(uint).max, true);
428 if (block.timestamp >= periodFinish[token]) {
429 _safeTransferFrom(token, msg.sender, address(this), amount);
430 rewardRate[token] = amount / DURATION;
431 } else {
432 uint _remaining = periodFinish[token] - block.timestamp;
433 uint _left = _remaining * rewardRate[token];
434 require(amount > _left);
435 _safeTransferFrom(token, msg.sender, address(this), amount);
436 rewardRate[token] = (amount + _left) / DURATION;
437 }
438 require(rewardRate[token] > 0);
439 uint balance = IERC20(token).balanceOf(address(this));
440 require(rewardRate[token] <= balance / DURATION, "Provided reward too high");
441 periodFinish[token] = block.timestamp + DURATION;
442 if (!isReward[token]) {
443 isReward[token] = true;
444 rewards.push(token);
445 }
447 emit NotifyReward(msg.sender, token, amount);


We advise the reward tokens to be specified during the initialization of the contract with a maximum upper limit imposed via a contract-level constant to ensure no malicious tokens can be added to the rewards array and that all the expected reward tokens are defined during the creation of the contract rather than dynamically. Alternatively, we advise a dedicated and privileged function to be introduced that permits manually white-listing reward tokens that would then be accepted by the notifyRewardAmount function. Either of the two solutions are sufficient to deal with the vulnerability described.


The Xcaliswap team has implemented a constant MAX_REWARD_TOKENS upper bound on the rewards array. Please note, since the require statement uses < operator for upper bound comparison the rewards array can only contain a maximum of 15 values.