Omniscia Xcaliswap Audit

Minter Manual Review Findings

Minter Manual Review Findings

MRE-01M: Improper Active Period Calculation

Logical FaultMinter.sol:L71


The linked active_period calculation offsets itself to the previous week whilst it should only "activate" the upcoming week.


As the active_period is offset to the previous week, the contract immediately realizes emissions from the moment of the initialize call as it assumes a week has passed since its activation which is false.


59function initialize(
60 // address[] memory claimants,
61 // uint[] memory amounts,
62 // uint max // sum amounts / max = % ownership of top protocols, so if initial 20m is distributed, and target is 25% protocol ownership, then max - 4 x 20m = 80m
63) external {
64 require(initializer == msg.sender);
65 //, max);
66 // _token.approve(address(_ve), type(uint).max);
67 // for (uint i = 0; i < claimants.length; i++) {
68 // _ve.create_lock_for(amounts[i], lock, claimants[i]);
69 // }
70 initializer = address(0);
71 active_period = (block.timestamp - week) / week * week; //


We advise the subtraction of week from the current block.timestamp to be avoided as it impacts the way the minter operates.


The Xcaliswap team has omitted the subtraction of week from the current block.timestamp.

MRE-02M: Incorrect Limit Reset

Logical FaultMinter.sol:L80


The last_epoch variable acts as a limit to the frequency of emission and boost changes, however, it is applied incorrectly so as the last_epoch is reset to the next 26 weeks which may have already passed in periods of long inactivity.


It currently can be possible for setEmissions to be invoked two consecutive times in the same transaction as the last_epoch is not properly reset to a time in the future.


74/// @param _emissions: new value of emissions
75/// @param _boost: new value of boost
76function setEmissions(uint _emissions, uint _boost) public onlyAdmin {
77 require(block.timestamp >= last_epoch + 26 weeks, "must wait next period");
78 emissions = _emissions;
79 boost = _boost;
80 last_epoch = last_epoch + 26 weeks;


We advise the last_epoch assignment to instead utilize the current block.timestamp increased by 26 weeks to ensure that it is properly reset to a time in the future.


The Xcaliswap team is now using block.timestamp increased by 26 weeks.