Omniscia Xcaliswap Audit

SwapPair Manual Review Findings

SwapPair Manual Review Findings

SPR-01M: Potentially Misleading Fee Amounts

Logical FaultSwapPair.sol:L164, L178


The Fees event is meant to emit the total amount of fees acquired for either the token0 or token1 asset, however, the Xcaliswap protocol imposes a custom 10% tariff that is redirected to a protocol fee collector and does not benefit the pair.


153// Accrue fees on token0
154function _update0(uint amount) internal {
155 address _feeTo = ISwapFactory(factory).feeCollector();
156 uint256 _protocolFee = amount / 10; // 10% of the amount
157 uint256 _feeIncrease = amount - _protocolFee; // Might leave tokens in this contract due to rounding but ok, reserves updated after this function
158 _safeTransfer(token0, _feeTo, _protocolFee);
159 _safeTransfer(token0, fees, _feeIncrease); // transfer the fees out to SwapFees
160 uint256 _ratio = _feeIncrease * 1e18 / totalSupply; // 1e18 adjustment is removed during claim
161 if (_ratio > 0) {
162 index0 += _ratio;
163 }
164 emit Fees(msg.sender, amount, 0);
167// Accrue fees on token1
168function _update1(uint amount) internal {
169 address _feeTo = ISwapFactory(factory).feeCollector();
170 uint256 _protocolFee = amount / 10; // 10% of the amount
171 uint256 _feeIncrease = amount - _protocolFee; // Might leave tokens in this contract due to rounding but ok, reserves updated after this function
172 _safeTransfer(token1, _feeTo, _protocolFee); // Transfer protocol fee to _feeTo
173 _safeTransfer(token1, fees, _feeIncrease); // transfer the fees out to SwapFees
174 uint256 _ratio = _feeIncrease * 1e18 / totalSupply;
175 if (_ratio > 0) {
176 index1 += _ratio;
177 }
178 emit Fees(msg.sender, 0, amount);


We advise the Fees events to either introduce a new variable denoting the protocol fee or to instead emit the _feeIncrease value instead as otherwise it is misleading.


The Xcaliswap team has fixed this issue by emitting the _feeIncrease value in the Fees events.

SPR-02M: Insecure Elliptic Curve Recovery Mechanism

Language SpecificSwapPair.sol:L477, L495


The ecrecover function is a low-level cryptographic function that should be utilized after appropriate sanitizations have been enforced on its arguments, namely on the s and v values. This is due to the inherent trait of the curve to be symmetrical on the x-axis and thus permitting signatures to be replayed with the same x value (r) but a different y value (s).


Should the payload being verified by the signature rely on differentiation based on the s or v arguments, it will be possible to replay the signature for the same data validly and acquire authorization twice.


477function permit(address owner, address spender, uint value, uint deadline, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) external {
478 require(deadline >= block.timestamp, 'SwapPair: EXPIRED');
479 DOMAIN_SEPARATOR = keccak256(
480 abi.encode(
481 keccak256('EIP712Domain(string name,string version,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)'),
482 keccak256(bytes(name)),
483 keccak256('1'),
484 block.chainid,
485 address(this)
486 )
487 );
488 bytes32 digest = keccak256(
489 abi.encodePacked(
490 '\x19\x01',
492 keccak256(abi.encode(PERMIT_TYPEHASH, owner, spender, value, nonces[owner]++, deadline))
493 )
494 );
495 address recoveredAddress = ecrecover(digest, v, r, s);


We advise them to be sanitized by ensuring that v is equal to either 27 or 28 (v ∈ {27, 28}) and to ensure that s is existent in the lower half order of the elliptic curve (0 < s < secp256k1n ÷ 2 + 1) by ensuring it is less than 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF5D576E7357A4501DDFE92F46681B20A1. A reference implementation of those checks can be observed in the ECDSA library of OpenZeppelin and the rationale behind those restrictions exists within Appendix F of the Yellow Paper.


While the Xcaliswap team has added require statements to validate the v and s values, the validation condition for s has been implemented incorrectly. The bytesX and unitary denominations (i.e. uintX) may differ in underlying binary representation, hence the s variable should be casted to uint256 before comparing it to 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF5D576E7357A4501DDFE92F46681B20A1.